Title : A Pencil on The Melody Part 10 Pairing: Yongseo Genre : AU, romance Rating: PG-13 Summary: He comes back and becomes her boss at the company. And his dad wakes up. What to do? Warning: Grammar.
The story's pace is slow down and then we have a new revelation at the end. I love the moment of him hugging her waist, no matter how strong and stubborn Yonghwa is, he still needs a shoulder to lean on. Btw, these two make me frustrated with their current ambiguous status. After the dumb date, isn't it obvious they like each other? Tsk tsk, both need a smack on their heads. The more they prolong this situation, the more disadvantage they have since Yunho finally started to make a move.
The lovely daily roses are probably from Yunho. I don't know but it doesn't seem like Yonghwa's style of showing affection ^^" Speed up Yong or you will loose the only perfect girl in this world. Thank you for this update, Nae!!! Hope to read from you soon, both this story and the fantasy one. All the best with school :)
Comments 7
The lovely daily roses are probably from Yunho. I don't know but it doesn't seem like Yonghwa's style of showing affection ^^" Speed up Yong or you will loose the only perfect girl in this world.
Thank you for this update, Nae!!! Hope to read from you soon, both this story and the fantasy one. All the best with school :)
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