Title : Just A Twist Pairing: Yongseo Genre : Romance/comedy, light, fluffy Rating: PG-18 Summary: How is it to have Seo Hyun looks more like Yong Hwa? Warning: Grammar.
OMG OMG I LIKE IT SOOOO MUUUCH ♥ reading this light cute sweet fluffy one-shot of yours in the morning is indeed the best way to start another boring day at the office, LOL. I was smiling like an idiot while reading this. so so so cute but still feels real. so ... yongseo-ish :)) oh God, I've been missing them so much lately and this one-shot makes it 8worse in a good way.
"writing a new light fic is way much easier than continuing on chaptered fanfics. easy to think, but not that easy to write, either." LOL, I TOTALLY AGREE :)) I'm such a bad writer for keep making my readers waiting and new ideas appeared in my mind many times but it wasn't easy to write either :P
btw somehow from the beginning I've guessed that seohyun might be pregnant. apparently I was right! nae, you should write more fluff ♥
hehehe i love this a lot kinda expected that hyun is pregnant....with all those changes. and finally yong biggest dream ; leopard print lingerie is fulfilled!!! so cute and funny...keep it up :-)
Comments 10
reading this light cute sweet fluffy one-shot of yours in the morning is indeed the best way to start another boring day at the office, LOL. I was smiling like an idiot while reading this. so so so cute but still feels real. so ... yongseo-ish :)) oh God, I've been missing them so much lately and this one-shot makes it 8worse in a good way.
"writing a new light fic is way much easier than continuing on chaptered fanfics. easy to think, but not that easy to write, either."
LOL, I TOTALLY AGREE :)) I'm such a bad writer for keep making my readers waiting and new ideas appeared in my mind many times but it wasn't easy to write either :P
btw somehow from the beginning I've guessed that seohyun might be pregnant. apparently I was right!
nae, you should write more fluff ♥
kinda expected that hyun is pregnant....with all those changes. and finally yong biggest dream ; leopard print lingerie is fulfilled!!!
so cute and funny...keep it up :-)
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