Update from November xP

Dec 29, 2012 04:25

Now on with updates form November xD

Many things happened here and there. And there were also exams -.-"... in which I thought I would be buried alive -_-"
But not only bad thing happens, there is also many happy thing =)
And I just remember that I forgot to mention that I went to MetroCon in October (MetroCon in Norway.. not in US!).

The first half of this month was basically when I studied for the upcoming exams, which was in the end of the month. And around this time... Ellen managed to be in relationship with this guy I mentioned in the last post \(^o^)/. But the problem was here... they don't know which date it was >_> Since I asked Ellen about which date they got together. And the answer I got back from her was: "I don't know... since I just went with the flow". The good thing now is that they finally know which date it was... good *sigh of relief -,-*
And around here... I started a bit on my Christmas projects. That is to make something, but that I will mention in the December post =3 Since it is a "Christmas present", and this post is before Christmas xDDD
And I guess I should put out the picture of Ellen's b-day present that I made for her =3

lt;- Front view  
lt;- To show the bow =P
And this was how it looked like at first... then I changed a bit later with the bow's position.

lt;- How it ended up =P
Since I was a bit unsure about the first one. And that is why I changed the position later on the next day xP The making of it only took my 3-4 hours =O Here I thought it will take me at least 1 whole day xD It is very simple to make it. So I can make a "how to make" post after the "December" post =3

And later on is the last half of November T_T

The last half of the month is only studying like hell for the exams =_=" The first exam was on the 19th. The second was on 28th (my birthday date =_="). And the last was on the 30th. I can say that I somehow survived those exams... Because I sacrificed Christmas soda in exchange for those exams =_=. It may be an easy task, but hell damn it was difficult to stay away from it TT_TT!!! Since I said to myself that I can drink it only if I did great on the exams Dx But since I felt that it didn't went like I wanted to during the exams, I haven't taken a zip of the soda =_=" (And still hasn't drank it by I writing it now [2012.12.29]).

But lets put the exams to the side xP
November is the month where my birthday is =D I am now 19 years old x3 Which means that I am now spending my last year as teenager =O !! Time sure fly fast by without letting me notice anything. And on the other side, there were also many others birthdays and anniversaries xDDD
  • Arashi's debut anniversary (3rd November)
  • Nishikido Ryo's b-day (3rd November)
  • NEWS' debut anniversary (7th November)
  • Tegoshi Yuya's b-day (11th November)
  • and many more xD (don't felt like listing everyone... sorry m(__)m )

So now I should probably begin on this month's update before the year end =O
And feel free to comment as always =3

news, october, hey! say! jump, university, november, picture, arashi, 2012, friend(s), christmas, johnny's

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