It's already midweek of week 44, but that is because I have totally forgotten about LJ as well was stressing the past few days. But lets get going with the updates for last weeks happening ;D
Monday 19th:
- Had class from 8:30 to 11:30-ish. Because we watched a video clip at the end, so that's why we ended earlier :3
Tuesday 20th:
- Nothing but relaxing at home tho not completely relaxed. I still had to work on a bit for Monday's presentation
Wednesday 21st:
- Had driving lesson from 7 to 8:30 (so damn early!). But then I'm soon to be finished with level 3!!!
- Met my boss from work on my way to uni on the bus xD And he was kinda shocked to see me on my way as of late when he thoought I started earlier xP
- Had class from 12:15 to 16
Thursday 22nd:
- Met up early with my group to work on the presentation at 9:30-ish
- Had class from 12:15 to 16
Friday 23rd:
- Relaxing at home while working a bit for the presentation
Saturday 24th:
- Had work shift from 17 to 22
Sunday 25th
- Nothing, doing the last thing for the day after's presentation.
- Also some practice driving with my dad :D
Well....that was how I spent my week. But then, it's start to get boring when the same things go on repeat xP Can't be helped, you know :o
So until next update which could be this Sunday, or on Monday ;D Do feel free to put any review or comments for what I need to do more to improve all these updates. Tho I don't think there will be anyone who leave any comments anyway >A>