Sorry for the extreme delay! The reasons are because I'm bisy going everywhere and also...my laptop cable charger doesn't fit the oversea adapter orz So this post is actually being updated from my phone! I will do my best with updating this post from my phone, and also sorry if there are any words and/or grammar mistakes on this m(__)m
Monday 27th June:
On this day, Anna's mom's friend took us (as in Anna, her mom and me) along with her to Lake Arrowhead! The place is so far in the mountain that the place could be the best vacation place to relax!
Me and Anna walked around the shopping area and got a pair of shoes. And while walking into many stores, I found the best hand luggage which I thought of buying because I need one extra anyways. In the end, I gambled that if the onle one red luggage is still there when I get back after lunch and being at the lake for some hours, I will get it. It was on sale so that's why I wanted it. So guess what! When we went back to the store, the luggage was still there! And I got it for 67USD ^o^
Tuesday 28th June:
I didn't do much on this day as Anna had to work. But I kinda did hang around the mall and did a tad bit of shopping for the day after ">w>
Wednesday 29th June:
Anna's mom took me, Anna, Shannon (Anna's little sister) and her boyfriend to Newport Beach! It was so sunny and I got tanned and sunburned my back legs xP Hey! It was worth the trip to the beach!!!
Thursday 30th June:
I already got my luggage for AX already packed up a few days ago, and me, Anna and her mom had to go to the airport to get Yumedesuka from tumblr! She's so nice and sweet ^w^
We made a fast trip back home and then head over to a hotel to stay for the weekend of AX because of situation. At least we got our stuff ready for day 1 of AX ;D
Friday 1st July:
All of us (me, Anna, Yume) woke up early so we could dress up in our cosplay (me and Yume) while Anna in her lolita outfit. We left early so we could take the Metrolink into LA and the the subway to the Convention Center to get our badges and spending our money there.
We stood in line to get our badges for 1.5hr, stood in line for entrance for 3hrs... We were there since 7:15... And for day 1 of Anime Expo 2016, I dressed up as an OC for Vampire Knight. The OC is a cute but tomboyish in personality.
I did lots of shopping on day 1, and did not regret it 👍👍
Saturday 2nd July:
Woke up somewhat early but arrived there around 9:30ish. Day 2 of AX16 is not that eventful but at leadt I got to try out the VR for Phantom of the Kill booth!!! Damn I wish I have a VR right now!! Because the experience for it wa totally worth it!!!
Sunday 3rd July:
Woke up super early so we could stand in line to get the ticket for Suwabe Junichi's autograph. We got there 6:15 and there was already a line that has been queued since last night!!! People! Are you crazy?! We were on the mid-third line and were afraid we won't get it. So as a back up, we wanted to get Arakawa Naoshi's autograph.
When the line started to move (8 o'clock) and we got to the curve to go over to the 2nd line, there were only stanby ticket available for him. And the moment we came to the last curve to go over to the 1st line...the staff screamed out that his ticket is sold out ;^; Oh well...I still waited to get Naoshi's ticket and I got the standby ticket!
Being standby number 14 is good! Apparently most standby got cut off from 21 o_o But in my situation...he canceled his session orz
After we got our tickets, we tried to find the line so we could just go to Suwabe's panel. The staff wasn't fully informed because he lead us to a wrong place which ended up me not being able to meet him in anything ;;
Oh well, there is still one last chance and that was to stand in line for Kakihara Tetsuya's panel! We weren't able to get his ticket on the 1st day because it got sold out, but waiting to stand in line and waiting in line for 2hr just to get to Kakki's panel was worth it!! And sitting way closer to him was even more worth it! Because the front were tables and we thought it was for the press. And when we got told that we could sit there, we just ran to get the places while the MC just "Do not run." and we didn't care xD
There were Q&As where he talked about himself, some of his works and giving the audience some advice and encouraging words to become seiyuu ^A^
But lucky Momo, she got his autograph. So in exchange to her little sister, who also got his autograph, she wanted a plushie which is round and squishy. That is for a mission to be done on the last day of AX.
So much event going on for week 26, but do wait for the next post with week 26! Because apparently max uploading pictures capacity on phone is 10 =_= So I have to make a new post for week 27 update >A>
See ya soon!!!