1. O my.
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2. The day is finally here:
BRATZ dolls are no more! woohoo. hyper-sexualization of girls be gone!
Pennsylvania Gov. Rendell apologized for his comments about Arizona Gov and Homeland security nominee Janet Napolitano"I guess, if you stretch it, it could be taken by some people the wrong way," he said. "I certainly didn't mean it the wrong way. Janet is a friend of mine. She's a great, great governor, and she'll be a great Director of Homeland Security. And if anyone out there was offended, I apologize... What I meant is that Janet is a person who works 24/7, just like me. She works literally 24/7 as governor. She'll do a great job. You have to live that job every minute."
Still think they were the wrong comments to make. But read the article at Salon.com.
4. So true and just so watchable.
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Jack Black videos at Funny or Die
Surely not the last word about the Black Friday WalMart death, but O the irony in having to announce that it was "mob mentality" that caused it. Srsly? Because we didn't already know that. I'm actually happy that the family is suing WalMart especially since WalMart is saying that he was "part of the WM family." I just hope they actually get something from it.