Barack Obama

May 10, 2012 13:45

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It's so strange that I've been thinking about this post for a couple weeks now and with yesterday's encouraging words, I simply have to put it out there. At the gym, at least every couple days this song comes on my playlist and I feel so grateful to have been a part of that day in history. I still tear up thinking about that November night in 2008, waiting for the state updates at 10 p.m., only to see that we had a new president. I sat sobbing in my bed, crying for all the people who gave their lives to see that this would one day come to fruition. It gave me hope that one day the battles I fight in my own life would someday seem as trivial. I believe.

Another favorite:

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I'm not the most political person, I try to educate myself on the basics of certain issues, but I'm definitely no nosockstorock. I've seen her in action, she informs herself on every aspect of a cause and then hits the pavement and campaigns to make a change. We need those people in the world, because not enough of us take the time to really understand what's happening. I'm grateful for her. Now, I don't agree with every decision our president has made, he certainly had a challenge ahead of him considering the state our country was left in, but overall, I'm so proud of what he's done for us. He has made such strides in how the world views us, those relationships with other governments and world leaders. Everyone may complain about the economy, look where Bush left us, but we're moving in the right direction. I haven't felt that I've been fed a boatload of empty promises. I believe Obama a good man, a funny man. Some have said that he is robotic, emotionless, I find him to be quite animated at times, but appreciate his calming demeanor. I want my president to have a poker face when the heat is on.

I'm not looking for a debate here, that's never been my forté. You may disagree with me and that's okay. I don't talk politics with friends because honestly, any of them that told me they were voting McCain/Palin lost a whole lotta credibility in my eyes. I'm just trying to say that I believe in this man, and I'm so proud that yesterday he stood up and said he believes in me and the values I hold dear.

For anyone who missed yesterdays monumental interview:

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