Summary: It was a Pirate!AU. Then it kinda sorta slipped.
Pairing: Steve/Tony implied.
Warnings: This idea came to me in that space between your alarm first going off and the moment you absolutely have to get out of bed, so this may well be the most bizarre thing I’ve ever written.
Disclaimer: Yadda yadda witty comment, I don’t own any of the
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Comments 4
Oh god I love this so much! I... Sam and Clint and Jim the Cabin boy and Logan the cook and PRINCESS Tony! I... *flails*
...Dread Pirate Rogers!
I am grinning like a lunatic (probably not entirely unlike Steve upon Princess Tony's rescue) and it is ALL YOUR FAULT! *snugs*
I have to admit, the details pretty much wrote themselves; I had lots of well duh moments when I was thinking things like "who has the parrot?" and "who has the eyepatch and the wooden leg?"
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