I want to thank you for your concern the other day. I appreciate that you go out of your way to continue talking with me. You really did help me feel better. It's nice knowing someone's just there, you know? I had too many things on my mind, too many things going on, so I ended up signing off without giving anyone a warning or a goodbye. Bad habit. I'm sorry. We should get together sometime in the near future. I'd like to see you again. We need to keep up the faux affair, don't you know. ;) And I'd love to catch up with you, hear whatever is on your mind. I'll be your listener this time.
I don't want you to apologize for anything, and I was more than happy to listen, had you needed an ear. I'm still sorry things have been so hard on you lately, and you know I wish I had a magic wand that could poof them all away. In the meantime, I'm always here with a hug and friendly hand on your knee ( ;-) ) whenever you need it. I really would like to see you. We must give the papers more to talk about than my evil smoking, heehee. You're my sweetheart, Jude, anytime.
Oh, I know. :-( I'm going to try an be much better, though, about updating. Cannes was wonderful, really, and yes, call me more!
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Comments 6
Much love.
( [ooc] )
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