warm and gray and scuffed jus’ mildly
by the soft black rubber of early autumn footwear;
it’s a Bed,
ya see?
a gentle kinda sun pierces the fog
creating a dewbright mornin’ feeling
like an old jazz hit at noon on a Sunday;
damn those saxophones remind me of the light
as it dances and dances across the black glass panes
of some modern architecture that I
me, on my warm bed-rock, with the music playing off my
eyelids and my teeth as i Smile.
and theres that smell, of burning water on that
eversowellkept green-of-green sod
that comes by the foot, didja know that?
yeah its not really Nature in all her glory
but i gotta say, i Do like the Smell
(it really accents the pesticides)
the trees stand tall, erect
like some sorta phallic Joke, care of your creator
but they do make an elegant noise
rustlin’ in the wind all excited, like some sort of bad guitarist
tryin’ to steal that saxophones’ thunder
but a leaf falls or two or three
and they just kinda float off
but the soloist he just keeps soloin’
doing his thing in time with the dancin’ of the light
yeah, its not really Nature in all her glory
but i gotta say, i Do like the Sound.