Title: That the Moon Elbowed the Stars
Chapter: 2/17
Rating: R
Pairing: Puck/Rachel
Word Count: 5,620
Summary: And maybe it's an awful thing to think, but he wonders what's worse for her, losing New York or losing her dad.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Just...can you please pretend that you believe that I'm fine? )
Comments 11
I thought about that! I decided it was more amusing than anything else and let it go through. ;)
Marlene being so insistent on making sure Rachel is okay is just lovely, and Puck and Santana trying to get her to have a good time even though they both know her life sucks right now is perfect.
I still love the idea of Rachel's apartment being the holding place for her friends' booze.
Thanks for commenting, love!
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(Apropos of nothing, props for writing the plural "Berrys" like that instead of throwing in an unnecessary apostrophe like so many writers seem to do with last names.)
(I think a lot of people just can't ignore the you spelled that wrong!!!! red squiggle. No, Berrys isn't a word. But Berry isn't a word, it's a name. Also, some people just don't know their apostrophe rules at all.:P I appreciate your appreciation!)
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