Title: That the Moon Elbowed the Stars
Chapter: 11/17
Rating: R
Pairing: Puck/Rachel
Word Count: 8,025
Summary: And maybe it's an awful thing to think, but he wonders what's worse for her, losing New York or losing her dad.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Puck doesn't know if everyone is aware, but Rachel Berry is really fucking random. )
Comments 11
Also, Rachel and the ducks. Just...adorable.
In my head, Anna is the kind of girl you want to be friends with. (Well, that I want to be friends with because she's an honest bitch. Most people actually don't love the honest bitch.) There's always chance (likelihood) that people will just hate whatever you do when Puck and Rachel aren't immediately together and fluff-tastic, and while I don't generally care, it is nice to hear that you liked her.
Originally, Finn and Santana were supposed to get a bit more of their own story in this, but Puck and Rachel got long-winded enough that it fell by the wayside. But I will never not love them, and we aren't done with them entirely yet. ;)
Thanks for the fantastic comment, darling! ♥
But yes, Mike Chang for always. ;)
Amazing as always, and can't wait for more <3
I love Mike Chang. I love the idea of Mike and Rachel together, and at some point will get around to writing it. Anna was a super-minor character, yes, but I kind of love her. Of course, in my head, I know lots of lots of things about her that you don't. Rest assured, she is just as amazing as the revenge sex makes you think she is. ;)
Rachel has a lot of really cute moments in this. I like them like this a lot, friends with just a touch of awkward.
I have zero doubt that you are going to enjoy the next chapter even more than this one; you should let me know if I'm wrong. ;) Thanks for commenting, my darling!
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