Awesome article about contraception within marriage. Which is definitely not what I'm supposed to be writing a paper on right now. That's the problem with theology research, too many distractions.
innnteresting. i dont see how NFP is different from other forms of contraception and ive never really understood why condoms and stuff are banned by the Church. cus nfp IS contraception, it's actively and consciously preventing the creation of babies. some people protest BC cuz theyre like omg youre preventing innocent lives from being born!!!1! well you are too if youre nfp'ing! it's like an exact science too! you can tell when you ovulate by temperature, etc. i dont really see how thats any different than any other form of birth control. when i get home tell me all about your theology research, i'd love to hear it!
the difference with NFP is that in the end it's still open to life. Couples use NFP also as a tool to TRY to have babies as well as not have them. It should only used for not having children in necessary cases. And even if you follow NFP and do NFP there is still a chance you can get pregnant. There isn't any added substances preventing it. NFP is a way for coupls to have the ability to not have children if they already have a lot and really can't handle it or whatever the situation is. But NFP is different that condoms and articial birth control because it is supposed to be done in love and requires a deeper communication and unity within the marriage. From couples that I know personally who practice NFP (for having or preventing pregnancies) they've truly loved how it has brought them and their spouse closer together and helped them understand each other. its more than just avoiding pregnancies
Openness is a state of mind, not a state of body. Love and communication are essential to a marriage, but artificial birth control doesn't prevent that. And while for some people NFP might enhance that, for others it could be a detriment to the marriage. One of the points the article I linked makes (much more eloquently than I'm about to) is that sex is an expression and means of love and communication within a marriage, and NFP prevents that form of expression. For some couples NFP could become a stumbling block for the marriage, especially when women don't have "normal" cycles. NFP relies on the assumption that women's fertility works more or less the same in everybody (and I don't just mean cycle length). I know a couple personally who used NFP to try to get pregnant, and it didn't help because the things NFP relies on, like temperature, weren't reliable in her body. Her body didn't act the same way every time she was fertile, or act the way it's 'supposed' to, so NFP wasn't helpful. And some women don't ovulate every month
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all of this is good argument, but remember when getting are asked by the priest "are you open and willing to accept children as a gift from God" or however its worded adn the couple is supposed to be prepared to say yes. If you say yes then think its okay to use birth control and not be open to life.....then don't get married in the Church or say NO to the priest and see what happens...and you'll say what about infertile women? should they not marry? No thats not the case becuase children may come to them through adoption or what have you. I'm saying that NFP is not required so nobody is saying that everyone HAS to practice NFP. Especially for women who it won't work for. But then you'll say what about married couples who aren't ready or prepared to handle children....then I go back to my first statement about marriage truly having an openness to children. NFP, supports that openness becuase you still leave it open to get's not 100% impossible to become pregnant becuase you are not putting a condom or birth
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Comments 14
i dont see how NFP is different from other forms of contraception and ive never really understood why condoms and stuff are banned by the Church. cus nfp IS contraception, it's actively and consciously preventing the creation of babies. some people protest BC cuz theyre like omg youre preventing innocent lives from being born!!!1! well you are too if youre nfp'ing! it's like an exact science too! you can tell when you ovulate by temperature, etc. i dont really see how thats any different than any other form of birth control. when i get home tell me all about your theology research, i'd love to hear it!
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