FIC: The Cult of the Laundry Products 1/50

Oct 30, 2006 21:59

The Cult of the Laundry Products: Rituals
Chapter One: The Ritual of Mateship
Author: Foofy
Pairing: SB/VM
Summary: Viggo encourages Sean to join a BDSM club, much to Sean’s shock. However, things aren’t as they seem in the already murky world of the sex clubs and paranoia finds a new home.

Warnings: This is intended to be HARD CORE KINK. It will start mild and progress as the chapters continue. Please keep an eye on all chapter warnings and DO NOT read if you are squicked by any or all topics covered.

Disclaimer: This story is fictional, lies held together with sticky tape and a whole lot of dirty thinking.

Rating: NC17 throughout.


“ Cult of laundry products. They might be going to hell, but by God will their towels be fluffy when they get there” - therosewilde


It had started, like most things, with a simple comment. Sean didn’t think that there was much interpretation in ‘would you like to do something tonight’ but apparently he was wrong, just as he was wrong when it came to laundry duty. To Sean, laundry was something you did on a Sunday morning in the washing machine and nothing much came of it other than the usual scramble to find clothes pegs, the production of clean clothes and the possibility of tripping over the washing basket which was always left in the most awkward place imaginable. However, apparently the laundry held more interesting connotations in other places of the world.

“ Sorry?” he said into the phone, frowning. “ You want to do what?”

“ Do the laundry,” Viggo’s voice was pleasant and sweet on the other end of the line. “ I have a few things to do,”

Sean frowned in the privacy of his home, as he was wont to do. When he had heard Viggo was over in the UK he had immediately assumed that they would be considering things like visiting his local pubs, checking out the sights of England and doing the usual thing that tourists did. Doing the laundry, although commendable, was not exactly on his list of exciting things to do. Clean boxers were a curse on the world, obviously; the world needed more filth.

“ Ooookay,” he said finally when he realised that the conversation wasn’t going to progress without any input from him. “ Did you want to come over here to do it?”

“ I have a place organised already, but thanks,”

The opposite wall got another confused blink aimed at it, which it ignored. ‘The place was organised’. That was… well, that sounded like a dinner reservation just without the importance or the food or anything that actually made sense. And how the hell did Viggo get a place sorted anyway? Had he booked out the whole building? Shaking his head, he decided to get back to business. The evening was going to have laundry and dirty clothing and that was the end of it. Soap suds on standby and change jingling in his pocket, and how much fun did that sound like?

Wow. He did know a lot of rude words. That probably answered the question.

“ Can I bring some booze?” he asked desperately, trying to work out a way of making it sound a little less bone-numbingly boring than it appeared. There was a soft laugh at the other end of the phone.

“ Sure,” Viggo replied easily. “ But you won’t need it,”

Oh, Sean was willing to take that bet. Even the most interesting conversation in the known universe was not going to win against the sheer drudgery of domestic bliss and therefore alcohol was perfect to give a little nudge towards the world of adventure. If he was lucky he might even drink enough to forget the socks.

“ So where is it?” Sean asked, grabbing a pad and a pen and poising to take down the address. He frowned as Viggo gave him directions. “ Soho,” he repeated. “ You’re going to a laundrette in Soho?”

“ Is that a problem?” the voice still sounded amused. Sean hesitated again. Well, no, not exactly. There were other shops in Soho other than type that had made the red light district famous but the British tabloids were currently drumming their fingers for a decent scoop now that most of the government had already been discovered with their fingers in the honey jar and the random divorces had progressed past the “news” stage. Actors lurking around dubious areas of London just invited photographers, and where photographers lurked the threat of the Great British Tabloid ‘finding’ a brand new story wasn’t far behind.

On the other hand Viggo had already arranged this trip. Whether or not Sean accompanied him wasn’t going to make any difference to the media frenzy and at least he’d be able to steer him away from the more dubious areas.

“ I guess not,” he said reluctantly. “ When?”

“ Eight. Sharp. I’ll wait for you outside,” Viggo seemed happily organised with the whole business.

Sean snorted amusement. It was, after all, just a laundrette. Standing on duty outside seemed a little strange to him but then again Viggo, for all his faults, had a lot of American in him when it came to habits. He was allowed to be strange, mostly because it would take too long to train him to be anything else.

“ Okay. See you there,” he finished the call and grinned at the phone as he hung up. Washing clothes for a hobby. Would the excitement never cease?


Sean had arrived at the given location with five minutes to spare, which was pretty damned good for the London traffic regardless of what new scheme Ken Livingstone had managed to plonk on the day to day life of the Londoner. Sean paid the cab and looked around the near empty street with a baffled expression. It was…. Well, it was pretty damned out of the way as far as back streets went, with one or two shops still lit but neither of them looked particularly laundrettey.

A low whistle made him glance round assuming that either Lassie was loose in the main city or someone had been trying to attract his attention based on the lack of anyone else on the street. This was indeed the correct assumption as a familiar figure stepped out of the shadows like a vampire turning up in the middle of scene two of the late night horror show complete with hunger and poor social communication. Speaking of vampires, Viggo was also dressed in something that Dracula wouldn’t have turned his nose up at which was a little disturbing. A black silk shirt mixed with black jeans actually looked damned good on him, but looked remarkably fancy for something involving soap suds and a big bag of laundry. Sean’s eyes narrowed further. This was getting just peculiar.

“ Where’s your washing?” Sean glanced at Viggo who was looking particularly laundry free unless he had seriously deep pockets. Viggo gave him a gentle smile and a hug of greeting that was typically Mortensen, then gently began to lead him back to a door that Sean hadn’t even noticed. Hidden laundrettes. What was the world coming to?

Obviously the laundrette had also decided to take stealthy to a whole new level on the inside as well. It was dark. Okay that was an understatement, like saying a rhino was a bit grumpy or Ben Affleck a bit wooden. It was pitch black to the extent that Sean wouldn’t have been surprised to find Vin Diesel running around with glowing eyes and a bad attitude, the darkness almost solid in its intensity. It was the type of dark that kidnap victims saw in the velvet bag over their heads, both complete and full of unpleasant anticipation. It was-

“ Over here,” Viggo’s voice sounded somewhere in the dark and a hand rested gently on Sean’s arm to guide him. Obediently, although largely because he had no choice whatsoever, Sean walked to where the hand led him, noticing a candle up ahead making its own valiant attempt against the forces of darkness with flickering intensity. Laundrettes in the dark and with candles. Well, if he had ever doubted where Frankenstein got his clothes done he need not worry any more.

“ Power cut?” Sean guessed. His voice seemed damned tiny in what felt like quite a large room, a little meek squeak in the vastness of a cathedral. Yeah, this was getting more disturbing than he was happy with.

“ Not exactly,” Viggo’s voice seemed unconcerned which didn’t exactly help. Most people, ordinary people, switched on the lights before they entered a dark room. Sean’s level of concern got nudged up a little more. “ This way. Watch your feet,”

Sean wasn’t entirely certain how to watch his feet when his feet were somewhere lost in the blackness of the room but decided to say nothing. If Viggo wanted to believe he had night vision to rival cats then that was up to him. Sean was just happy not to tread in anything or bash into something solid, and therefore his feet were performing almost a snow shoe shuffle along the floor to avoid ending up on the floor with a bruised nose.

Finally Viggo stopped pulling him along, which was both good in the sense that they weren’t getting any deeper into insanity and bad in the sense that they had “arrived” and still hadn’t actually got to a location. It was still as black and roomy as when they had started, only now it was coupled with Sean’s complete loss of direction.

“ Are we there?” Sean hazarded, blinking around and trying to forget he sounded like a ten year old on a day out. The candle was doing its best against the dark but it was a losing battle, any light that it did manage being lost on the boringness of its surroundings.

“ Yes,”

“ Oh. Good,”

There was a long pause which was filled with absolutely nothing. If this was a television programme the controller would have been shot by now. Sean shrugged to himself and tried again.

“ Where is ‘there’ exactly?” he probed lightly.

“ Here,” Viggo was being about as useful as a cheeseburger to a drowning elephant. Sean sighed wearily. If people weren’t going to be a bit more useful he was going to find an area of Mr Mortensen and start poking it with a finger until he got an answer or the finger got ripped off, which, admittedly, wasn’t the best outcome he could have hoped for.

“ And where is here?” Sean had patience, normally attached to a situation where there was beer or the possibility of beer on the horizon. However at this point in time said patience was being stretched like a piece of chewing gum by an enthusiastic child and it was rapidly approaching the point of no return. This was just getting damned silly.

Viggo chose not to answer this question and instead answered one of his own which was, quite frankly, annoying as fuck.

“ I need to talk to you about something,”

Sean hesitated. Talking about something normally wasn’t something he liked to hear in any situation. Talking about something suggested uncomfortable, emotional or occasionally baffling things on the horizon, and definitely should not be attempted without any alcohol. He was damned certain there had been a health and safety ruling on this matter.

“ What about?” his voice was as cautious as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

“ That time in New Zealand.” Viggo’s voice was still mild but Sean was beginning to sweat which was actually quite impressive for London. He didn’t have to think too hard about ‘that time in New Zealand’. They had both been drunk, cheerful and bored and had run out of DVDs to watch. Investigation of the satellite television had discovered a porn channel which didn’t immediately turn the stomach of the average mild mannered television viewer and then they had spent the time passing critical judgements on the porn stars and their activities.

Well, some of the time anyway. The rest of the time had been spent with their hands on each other’s dicks and their mouths on each others, caressing and playing with one another until the dawn broke and the cock crowed - in a manner of speaking - and they had to try to get both sober and clean before getting dressed for filming that day. But that had been two years ago, goddamit it. Things two years ago really shouldn’t get brought up again, it just wasn’t … dignified!

“ Why now?” Sean asked finally. “ It was some time ago, Vig,”

Again, Viggo chose not to answer the question posed as though he had a script already written and he was going to stick to it come hell or high water.

“ Did you enjoy it?”

Well, that was a bit of a barbed question. If Sean said no then he risked offending the guy he had spent all that time playing with and being utterly inaccurate for the sake of modesty. If he said yes then that equally could result in Viggo being scared off as the older man wondered how safe he was ever going to be again whilst accompanied by a DVD and a box of popcorn.

“ Never done it before,” Sean replied gruffly. Okay, so it wasn’t an answer exactly but at least the words were out and he wasn’t flailing around in the dark, or at least more than normal. “ you?”

“ I enjoyed it,” Well, it was finally an answer. Sadly Sean wasn’t sure whether it was a good answer or not. After all, he had been brought to a darkened place which really didn’t look like it had even considered the subject of washing machines let alone possessed them, and now it turned out the man beside him had been thinking pretty seriously over a homosexual encounter two years ago. On the scale of nervousness it ranked pretty highly, just under being charged by a bull elephant and just above finding out your tenant had a habit of getting large guns and storing them under his bed.

“ Did you?” Sean wasn’t exactly sure what to say to that. Did you act natural and laugh and go ‘oh, weren’t we tinkers?’ or did you pretend it wasn’t more worrisome than enjoying a bottle of wine together, or did you lay down the law of the land immediately and risk the threat of looking like a complete and utter twat?

Thankfully Viggo was less worried about what the right answer was, which was pretty much normal for Viggo’s typical laidbackness. After all the man could climb a mountain without breaking a sweat, or get involved in a hostage situation and merely raise an eyebrow in response. Mr Spock had nothing on Viggo for coolness. Okay, he had the pointy ears and the pointy eyebrows and the tight blue outfit and said ‘logical’ a lot whenever he had run out of things to say and Kirk was being a twat again somewhere in the vicinity, but other than this, Spock had nothing on Viggo whatsoever.

“ I did,” Viggo paused and let Sean relax with the knowledge he hadn’t upset anyone before pressing forward again. “ And I would like to do it again,”

If the darkness had a soundtrack, it would currently be doing the Dum Dum DUUUUUM thing right about now. In the absence of Viggo to give an incredulous look at, Sean simply aimed it at a random spot of darkness which, presumably, realised that he was indeed incredulous and therefore should shut up. However, it wasn’t the darkness that was actually speaking and therefore the signal to belt up wasn’t taken to heart in the conversation.

There was something wrong about having a conversation about dodgy gay dealings in the middle of an unknown dark room with only a candle for company and a possible fire hazard if they started rolling around on the floor. However, rolling around on the floor was a BIG if. An If so massive it could threaten King Kong and tempt mountaineers to reach its summit. He, after all, wasn’t gay.

Okay so there was a kink in his straightness, but everyone had it these days. It was fashionable. Hell, it was the only polite thing to do!

“ Would you?” Obviously Sean’s speeches needed work. There was no way he was even going to get a Golden Globe for the pitiful dialogue that was currently spewing forth from his lips, but actual sentences and words were proving as illusive as a clean plate in a student’s digs.

“ I would,” Thankfully Viggo still had his casual air about him which suggested that Sean hadn’t just rammed a shoe in his mouth in terms of their friendship. Sean gave a little sigh of relief and tried to work out where next to take the conversation when Viggo decided to surprise him with an extension to his own speech. Well, he always was the generous sort.

“ Sean, I’m not wanting to pressure you here.” Soft, gentle voice. The type that could soothe a grumpy tiger to sleep or persuade an army of people that they really did want to charge a massive castle armed with only three slightly pissed off raccoons. Sean felt his cares wash away in the gentle tide of Viggo’s voice, the noises lapping at his feet and doing wonderful things to his nerves in a shower of tickly excitement. “ I like you. I’ve always liked you, and more than simply a friendship which is why I’m stood here today. I’m involved in something and I want you to be involved too. Only….,”

Only? There was an only here? Sean had never seen Viggo lost for words either which made this an interesting day in the diary although it would have been more memorable if only he kept one. He kept muddling up the E and the I and suddenly getting a desire for milk and cheese which had not been beneficial to accurate journal recording.

“ Only?” Sean prompted, indicating he wasn’t yet ready to run screaming out the door. Of course the door had to present itself as a direction first, but that wasn’t the point. Running around like a whippet with a bum full of dynamite often got your point across and got you fit at the same time.

“ That night, you confessed to wanting to be dominated, to have the pressures of choice taken off from you to give you time and freedom to enjoy it.” Viggo’s voice was slower now, as though the script had managed to reach places that were uncharted. “ I’m here to give you that,”

There was a pause long enough to allow Sean to shake himself mentally. Dominated. Now that was not a word he normally liked, unless it also involved the word Blades and the Premier League table. It was also not a word he had thought much about in this context for a hell of a long time, although he could remember that conversation as a burning little niggle at the back of his mind, embarrassing enough not to want to focus on it but truthful enough not to be dismissed out of hand.

“ How?” he said finally. You never made a decision on half pieces of information and hoped the other half was ok, especially when it was your arse on the literal line.

“ Laundry,”

Ah, hello bizarreness, how nice of you to visit once again. Sean rubbed his chin with the back of his hand and wondered whether ‘laundry’ was a new gay buzzword he had missed. It certainly wasn’t something that immediately made its context clear, unless what you truly desired was a pair of clean socks. Damn. He was going to have to bite his embarrassment and ask, and hope the embarrassment didn’t bite back.

“ Laundry?” he echoed dubiously. Viggo laughed softly and Sean almost jumped half a mile as a warm hand suddenly closed over his shoulder.

“ It’s a club,” he said softly.

Sean wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. People who formed clubs around laundry didn’t sound like the most stable of people although at least he might catch up on his ironing.

“ A club?” his dubious setting hadn’t exactly improved. Viggo’s hand started to gently squeeze his shoulder, a little warm rhythmic pressure on his shoulder which was actually somewhat hypnotic. There was another gentle chuckle as Sean leant back into the massage a little more, his eyes closing to replace black with black. Viggo might be crazy but his hands were so good Sean was surprised they weren’t illegal.

“ It’s called the Cult of the Laundry Products. It was set up about a year ago and has a number of members already,” there was a pause in the darkness behind him then obviously a decision was made to press on. “ It’s essentially a BDSM club,”

“ BDSM?” repeated Sean slowly. Boring Dances Sadly Missing… Blue Dogs Sing at Moon…

“ Bondage and Sadomasochism,” explained Viggo helpfully. Sean was glad he hadn’t been eating anything as he was certain he would have been choking at that point. But Viggo clearly wasn’t choking. He was serious.

“ Aren’t they the guys who wear a lot of black leather and whip each other?” he asked suspiciously. Viggo made a thoughtful noise from somewhere behind him.

“ Depends on the people involved. But that is a part of it, yes,” There was the sound of movement behind him, Sean suddenly realising that the warmth on his neck had been produced by breath. The softest of soft kisses gently landed on his neck, Viggo - or who he seriously hoped was Viggo - nuzzling his neck before once again moving back. “Before I go any further, are you interested so far?”

Sean hesitated. There was a part of him that seriously wanted to scream ‘no’ and leg it out of the room as though the hounds of hell had decided that his neck would be the perfect thing to chew on. On the other hand, there was a part of him that was sneaking around the back whispering ‘yes’ in his mind’s… er.. ear. It was damned typical. He couldn’t even win an argument with himself.

“ Yes,” he said finally, reluctant as hell but at least truthful. “ Yeah, I am,”

His mind failed to scream loudly at him so he assumed he had managed to make the right choice although he probably could have done without the cold sweat that was building at the back of his neck and down his spine like the results of a Halloween special. There was a pleased noise from Viggo behind him, or as happy as a ‘hmm’ could get anyway, and the mouth moved back for another taste of Sean’s neck.

“ In that case, I have to tell you some rules. If you wish to stay here with us, you must obey them. If you don’t want to, or you break any of the rules, you will be subjected to the Drier,” Viggo murmured in his ear, Sean’s hair at the back of his neck adding to the general fuzziness of his body’s nerves. Sean groaned to himself. This whole laundry thing was going to get to him.

“ The drier is bad, yes?” he clarified.

“ Correct,”

Sean sighed. Bad for an BDSM group was probably seriously bad for anyone who was hovering around the normal/average mark, so he wasn’t about to pry any further into that.

“ Go on,” he pressed back against Viggo automatically as the man moved closer, almost turning into a Viggo cloak. There was a pause. Sean frowned to himself, not trusting pauses in the slightest. If someone like Viggo had found something to pause on then that reason was probably not going to be high on Sean’s Fun List.

Sure enough, Viggo was happy to confirm this factor.

“ Although each submissive has their owner… the dominant one .. they are also expected not to complain if any other owner gets involved.” Viggo’s voice sped up a little more as Sean’s body stiffened in response. “ Of course the original owner has to agree, they can’t just be borrowed whenever the Owner fancies it, but there is a ritual initiation which would require at least one other Owner getting sexually involved,”

Oh, where to start with that amount of information.

“ Ritual initiation?” Sean said slowly, picking on the one that sounded like it involved alters and candles and knives and things that went ‘arrrgggh’. “ Into the club?”

“ The members each require secrecy. This is to prove the commitment of the newcomer to the group.” Viggo hesitated. “ All members have to act as a Pet for the initiation, even those who are born Owners. Everyone else will have gone through the same. And yes, I have before you ask,”

“ Never crossed my mind,” lied Sean. Viggo made a hmmm noise and nuzzled his neck again.

“ There are a number of different things to do. If you can get through the initiation, you are unlikely to be surprised by anything the Owner requests,” Viggo’s mouth kissed a line of welcome comfort up Sean’s neck. “ And since I’m your Owner…,”

Sean wasn’t particularly comforted by that. Regardless of how much kissing Viggo was doing, someone who was into this sort of club was unlikely to prefer rose petals and champagne. However, there was a burning part of him that was sitting back with the curious expression of a kitten finding an unguarded fish dinner and that part of him was damned … irritating.

“ Vig, all I’ve done is … y’know,” there wave a hand of the hand in explanation which the darkness prompted swallowed to claim as its own. Sean sighed. “ … bit of a jump, don’t you think?”

“ We’ll do some training,” Viggo promised and kissed Sean’s neck again, his hand smoothing down the younger man’s back and doing nothing to calm the prickles of sensation that were working down his back.

“ Not a dog, Vig,” Sean pointed out softly.

“ You’re an actor. Pretend,” suggested Viggo, a soft growl in the back of his neck as his soft mouth decided to develop some teeth and nipped at the skin. Sean considered whether to protest but decided on a grumble instead, automatically looking over his shoulder but only seeing blackness behind him. The darkness cloak was still working happily it seemed.

“ So where are these others of yours?” Sean stared around the room suspiciously. “ Watching?”

“ In the dark?” Viggo snorted amusement. “ They’re not that good,”

There was a pause in the proceedings as Viggo’s hands began to caress and wander again, sliding across Sean’s shoulders and down his back and kissing the nape of his neck with such wonderful precision and delicateness that it immediately hit every suspicious button in Sean’s body. And hell, he had a lot.

“ This is just to smooth me over isn’t it?” he objected after a while. Viggo’s hand continued on its epic voyage downwards as its owner considered the question, Sean shivering in sensation as the loose top he had been wearing failed to be a suitable barrier against teasing touches.

“ Perhaps,” Viggo allowed. “ You have to start somewhere. Personally I think you might freak slightly if I threw you to the ground and had my wicked way with you,”

Sean had a sneaking suspicion he might be right. That sort of thing sounded pretty much like something that happened in a bad western or possibly an overdramatic pantomime and quite frankly should be happening to someone else who wasn’t currently trying to grab hold of their pride with both sweaty hands and keep hold of it. Sean shivered again as Viggo’s hand managed to reach the rise of his buttocks, still smoothing over him with his palm as though he was calming a nervous horse. This was weird. Hell, this was more than weird, it was the captain of weird, the Lord of the Looneybin and fuck was that Viggo’s hand teasing at the belt of his trousers?

Jumping as though someone had applied a red hot brand to his rear, Sean swivelled automatically and almost tripped over his own boots. Viggo grabbed hold of his arm to steady him and gently but firmly moved Sean to return to his original position. Suddenly having Viggo directly behind him wasn’t such the warm loving situation Sean had intended. The whole vulnerability meter was inching towards the stars and that was before the darkness was added to make one big vulnerability pie with added cream.

Shit, did he really have to think of cream? Atta brain, always two steps ahead and with subtly firmly shoved in the gutter.

“ Vig…,” he said warily. Okay, he was up for this sort of thing but .. well… on his own terms. Like having light as well. And alcohol. And actually knowing where the fuck he was for that matter. He might be a demanding little beast but it wasn’t too much to ask, especially when Viggo had thrown this whole thing on him without so much as a ‘watch out, chaos approaching’.

“ Hmmm?”

“ I did bring alcohol,” Sean pointed out. “ Perhaps we should try some? It’s vodka,”

There was an amused laugh from the darkness and Viggo returned his mouth to Sean’s neck, the teeth even more obvious than before.

“ You really don’t like laundry do you?” he murmured into Sean’s neck, causing a vibration that impressively ran down Sean’s body, danced a jig at his toes then bounced all the way back up again. “ But we have no glasses,” The mumbled vibration started off down the track again to go visit Sean’s tootsies.

“ And?” Out of everything Sean doubted whether the whole glasses situation was particularly problematic. They had mouths and the top of the bottle. What more did they need? Okay a brain and a sense of decorum would be nice but you couldn’t have everything.

“ I’m not drinking directly from the bottle. And neither are you,”

It was strange. There wasn’t any growling. There wasn’t any glaring, or if there was Sean couldn’t see the damn thing due to the pitch black nature of the room. There wasn’t even any particular tone. It was just a firm confirmation of what was going to happen. Sean narrowed his eyes and would have done a glare of his own had not the darkness hidden his displeasure.

“ Not sure this is gonna work, Vig,” he said after a pause.

The hand continued to slide around Sean’s belt as though it had a mind of its own. However, at least the parts of Viggo that were attached to the vocal chords were paying attention, which was nice.

“ Not sure what is going to work?” there was a brief mumble on the last word as Viggo nibbled at Sean’s neck again. Sean made a movement he swore was a shiver not a tremble and tried to focus a little more.

“ This. The whole ..ownership thing. I’m used to doing what I want, when I want, and you being in control is just ….,” his hand waved expressively and Sean ran out of words. “ Well, you know what I mean.”

However, the speech had less impact than Sean thought it would as Viggo continued to nibble his neck with all the concern of a sleeping tiger, his hand slipping between the top of his jeans and Sean’s already hot skin. The younger man growled softly and shifted his weight but Viggo stuck to him like a plaster on skin.

“ Sean, I know you,” Viggo’s voice was definitely unconcerned about the whole thing. “ If you happily went for this without an argument, you’re not the grouchy bastard I know and love. You really able to stand there and say you’re not wanting me at this exact moment?”

Sean wasn’t sure he could stand let alone anything else but that wasn’t to say he should start admitting it. However, his body was completely in disagreement with the policy of secrecy, especially as Viggo’s hand crept around Sean’s hip to rest gently over a hot aching groin. Sean knew damned well he was stiff enough to be used for a number of scaffolding jobs but again that wasn’t the point, goddamit.

To Viggo, apparently, it was a little more of a point than Sean was letting on. His hand lazily caressed Sean through the trousers, the younger man’s ability to stay completely still and silent rapidly becoming a wishful thought that bore no resemblance to reality. Groaning softly with his eyes closing slowly, Sean tried not to focus on any of the downright filthy thoughts that were currently racing through his mind. He was not, repeat, not going to fall prey to this sort of tactic. This wasn’t exactly something minor he was entering into. There was leather. There was obedience. There were a lot of other things that had never entered Sean’s world apart from in particularly bad porn films. This was crazy.

….. and that was the feeling of Viggo’s hand slowly entering into his trousers. Sean gasped, automatically moving forward but Viggo was too close to him to escape and beside which it was unlikely he was able to withdraw his hand in time anyway. His back arched slightly, pressing him further against Viggo as the lazy warm hand continued its slow exploration of his body. Sean hadn’t realised that he could get any hotter but apparently there was another dragon’s worth of power still to come, his groin beginning to get to the stage where it could happily be twinned with the average active volcano and the ache - the ache! It brought a tremble to his muscles and a cry to his lips and a desire to throw down everything he possessed in order to get the sweet completion that his body was currently demanding.

“ Vig,” his voice was breathless.

“ Still sure you don’t want to be owned?” Viggo’s voice hadn’t managed to get out of the casual, his hand moving once more. Sean groaned softly and ran his hand through his hair before trying to get his hand back to grip Viggo’s backside tightly. He managed it but it was hardly the most comfortable of positions, his wrist objecting to the peculiar position it found itself in.

“ I’m not a pet,” he growled out through gritted teeth. He could hear the grin, feel it in the darkness. The hand rotated, slowly, lazily, discovering new exciting places on Sean’s body that even Sean didn’t know he had.

“ I disagree,” Viggo murmured. “ you and I could be a great team, Sean. Give you a little leeway to cope with your sulking, but hell, Eric manages with Karl and Karl’s a world class sulker as you know,”

Sean’s eyes suddenly found a reason to open wildly. “ Karl Urban?” he said incredulously. No way. The boy had always sulked to hell and back but he had been sighted with more women than the average nunnery. The chance that he had given up pussy for cock just seemed incredible.

“ And Eric Bana,” added Viggo softly when Sean had managed to get over the first shock. “ They have an arrangement here that doesn’t go further outside than this club. The majority of men in this are bisexual, Sean. As far as the world knows, they’re nice and normal and safe and are pinned on girl’s walls and plastered all over the internet. But we see a different side of things. We know what expression crosses Eric’s face when he picks up a whip. We see Karl when he’s tied up and defenceless yet is still snarling his apparent outrage about being restrained. But let him out, and he’s snarling that you dared let him go when he was having fun.”

Now this was interesting. This was really interesting. Sean’s head turned slightly to the side, listening. Viggo nuzzled his ear, his voice dropping lower as though there were eavesdroppers nearby.

“ If you were expecting silent, obedient pets this really isn’t the club. They snarl, occasionally hiss, and fight back. Who wants to dominate a puppy when you could dominate a wolf?” Viggo nuzzled Sean’s ear again, his voice dropping lower until it was a velvet whisper in the younger man’s ear. “ That’s what you are, Sean. A wolf. And you’re a wolf who wants the fight, I can feel it within you.”

The wolf was silent for a moment, listening, feeling the hand stroking him, considering things. The fact that others of his position to the media were already within the club meant more to him than he had realised.

“ Who are the others?” he whispered. Viggo laughed softly and slowly removed his hand before slowly, carefully, pulling down Sean’s trousers. A blast of cold air hit him, causing him to shiver a little more before Sean forced himself to stay put. Wolves did not shiver, godammit.

“ There’s three others. One you know well, the other two I don’t know. There’s an opening for a new member once you’re on board. We seem to have more Owners than pets at the moment, although we’re always on the search for another,” the purr was soft. “ You’ll meet them all soon,”

“ How soon?” Sean pressed. There was a firm slap to his rear from Viggo’s other hand which was actually hard enough to sting, Sean’s breath hissing through his teeth mostly in annoyance. However, his irritation soon vanished as Viggo’s hand pressed on his shoulders and gently pushed him down. Or at least that was obviously the intention.

“ Sean, kneel,” Viggo had gone back to the ‘This Is What Will Happen’ voice. Sean snarled to himself and stayed put. If he kneeled that was it. That was his signal that the whole damn thing was okay and it wasn’t okay, it was a sick idea and it didn’t appeal to him in the slightest. His body was wrong. His imagination was wrong. His desires were wrong.

Oh, this whole damned situation was wrong!

Finally, finally, growling furiously like a bear with a sore head and a little blonde haired thief nicking its porridge, Sean slowly got to his knees. His trousers were down enough that they acted like a restraining bar in themselves, his legs not able to spread wider than a set fixed point and that was damned annoying, not least because it screamed to him how vulnerable he was kneeling on the ground without the ability to run.

“ That’s it,” Viggo’s hand was playing through his hair, threading fingers through silky locks then allowing them to drop once more. “ That’s good. Now lean forwards.”

Lean forwards? This was going from bad to worse and yet there was that burning need to do it. Okay, it wasn’t too hard to find which part was burning the worst; his cock currently felt so hard it was near exploding and if leaning forward got him relief, then leaning forward was what he was going to do. Just because it felt like he was praying to the candle up in front in some sort of freaky ritual did not mean anything.

At all.


Viggo didn’t say anything further. That was almost the worst part about it, Sean biting his lip as he strained with every sense he possessed to work out what the other man was doing. There was the occasion sound of movement, of the soft noise of material moving, but other than that he was as silent as the dead and that was a bad thing indeed. Sean’s breathing got increasingly ragged, his trembling getting worse from both strain, cold and anticipation.

When the tongue finally touched his inner most areas Sean screamed in shock, a sound that he immediately cut off before it had fully finished. Warm moist tongue slowly covered his entrance, tasting and testing, circling around an area that Sean had never thought anyone in their right mind would attempt to try and lick without a large gun aimed at their head. The tongue traced down from hole to lick over his balls, Viggo sucking first one then the other, before returning to his original target.

“ Jesus, Viggo!!” he hissed. His right buttock was slapped hard again in answer, Sean growling softly before biting back any comment as slowly a finger was pushed inside him even whilst the tongue continued to lap. Sean’s body fought back, his muscles closing on the intruder and his hands curling on the carpeted floor as Sean struggled to keep his nerve and his body and everything else that made him survive. The finger had managed to push through the muscle, persistently burrowing within him like a rabbit who was desperate for a carrot, Sean’s breathing coming fast and furious as the digit showed no remorse for the sheer indignity it was inflicting on him.

There was a pause and suddenly another finger added to the mix. However, this wasn’t just any finger. This was a fucking cold finger and said fucking cold finger was already sliding within him, the heat of his body suddenly meeting cold lube and Sean yowled in objection. Another slap to his hip stated the fact that this was, in fact, a very naughty thing to do.

Finally the finger slid out of him. Sean took a breath of welcome oxygen and was about to complain bitterly when suddenly Viggo stepped up the pace. The younger man’s breath hitched completely at the feel of Viggo lining up against him for a mere moment before pushing slowly and firmly within him.

“ Shit!!!!!” Sean couldn’t keep his trap shut, not with the sudden feeling of being ripped in two as Viggo slowly but surely pushed into places which surely couldn’t accommodate it. It was like trying to shove an elephant in a dog kennel but no, here he was and Viggo was still sliding within him and they were actually doing it. Wonders would never cease but Sean really didn’t care about wonders at this point, he cared about his backside and the fact that it currently felt like it was about to rip in two. Physics had to get involved somewhere, surely?

“ Hold,” That was Viggo’s voice, although obviously the man thought he was in the middle of the Napoleonic Wars. Sean wasn’t entirely sure how far Viggo thought he was going to get to but that thought faded into insignificance as Viggo started to thrust within him, the man’s hand creeping around Sean’s hip to begin roughly touching him in time with his own movements.

“ Shit shit shit shit fuckingbastardwanker!!” Sean’s eyes were screwed shut, his breathing fast and panting, desperately getting as much oxygen as possible within him as though it might go out of fashion. His lower body was ablaze with sensation, his cock, his arse, his whole damned body felt like it was on fire and the worst part about it, the bit that he hoped he would forget after a while, was that he was eagerly moving towards it himself. He couldn’t tell whether it was pleasure or pain but his body was damned certain it was going to continue whatever it was and the whole classification thing could happen later on.

Thankfully Viggo was as needy as he was. For a moment Sean didn’t register what the tension in Viggo’s body signified but the sudden groan illustrated the facts of the matter, consisting of pure sexual release and hot enough to melt rock. Sean wasn’t to last much longer either, especially not as Viggo’s hand clenched around his hard, throbbing member so tightly the poor thing would have been strangled had it been used for oxygen rather than pleasure purposes. Sean slumped against the floor, his breathing hard and unsteady, his body wondering what the hell hit it.

They shared a companionable heavy breathing period, Sean slowly rolling over to sit on the floor.

“ Well?” panted Viggo. “ You in?”

There was a long silence in the dark before Sean finally spoke.

“ Yeah,” he replied softly. “ I’m in,”

And suddenly, with a sickening realisation, Sean knew there was no going back.



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