You know you love a canon when the first thing you want to do when you app a character from it is write up a resource post that sort of doubles as a sort of pimping post. Which is what I'm attempting to do here!
The manga is drawn by Kobayakawa Haruyoshi and is based off the events of Calamity Trigger. There's only 4 chapters out so far and I have no idea where it's going, but I think the storytelling/pacing might be a bit ??? for people who aren't canon familiar with the game. So if you're new to the series I wouldn't recommend starting out here.
RAWS can be read online on famitsu's site
over here.
over here.
These novels don't follow the game, but are uhh stories that complement the canon. Phase 0 is a sort of prequel to the game set in the era when the Black Beast first appears, while the short stories are from the artbook and features the characters before the game. I've also heard that there's going to be a novel called Phase 1 out soon and it'll be about the game's trollific antagonist.
Fortunately the fandom's pretty awesome and has translated all of the short stories, and are in the process of translating the Phase 0 novel.
All of it can be found at the compilation post on the DustLoop forum
right over here.
Blazblue has some nice music! Most of them are instrumental but there are some vocal tracks. The OPs are also pretty good too.
BlazBlue Original SoundtrackBlazBlue Song Accord #1 with Continuum ShiftBlazBlue Song Accord #2 with Continuum Shift II KOTOKO - Ao iconoclastKOTOKO - Hekira no Sora e IzanaedoKondou Kanako - Pandora ...I think I'm missing Pandora Tears, but I can't seem to find it
THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THINGS ABOUT MY CANON, but I might be biased because this was one of the reasons I got sucked into playing this game. It's basically a talk show... thing where the seiyuus of the characters are the hosts and lots of cracky antics ensues. It's difficult to explain and easier to see for yourself.
The official playlist for BuruRaji on NicoVideo is
right here.
For non-Japanese speakers or those who can't use moontube, there are also subbed ones on
Akubitto's channel. For your easy viewing though, I've sorted them here.
Prologue Bururaji Blazblue Radio Episode 1 Game No Shokutaku Bururaji Style Part 1 Game no Shokutaku Bururaji Style Part 2 Bururaji Blazblue Radio CS Special Zoku Bururaji BlazBlue Radio Episode 1 Zoku Bururaji BlazBlue Radio Episode 2 Zoku Bururaji BlazBlue Radio Episode 3 Bururaji BlazBlue Radio Spring Raid Special Part 1 Bururaji BlazBlue Radio Spring Raid Special Part 2 Bururaji BlazBlue Radio Spring Raid Special Part 3 Bururaji BlazBlue Radio Spring Raid Special Part 4 CD Dramas
As far as I know there are 3 BlazBlue CD dramas out, one is set in an alternate universe that's *spoilers* for *spoilers* in the main game, and the other two... well I haven't listened to them since I'm still waiting for them to come in the mail, but I assume it's crack since the covers look that way. Edit: So boredom makes me go searching for summaries and 'lo and behold they're indeed crack.
Wheel of Fortune -
summary here.
rollingpeach has the two crack drama CDs (and apparently a tsundere cd featuring Rachel and Jin rofl) uploaded on her journal along with summaries. It should be under the BlazBlue tag.
kayarine has compiled a very
useful post which has a collection of all the videos for both games' storyline + a link to the first game's story mode's script. It also has mirror links to the manga and the novels.
This person's photobucket also has practically everything ever related to BlazBlue pictures, including scanlations for the
official gag comics.
Last updated: January 11, 2011