There's some spoilers in here but I've marked them out with white.
Age: ~19-21
Height: 178cm (5'10")
Weight: 61kg (134 lbs)
Medical Info: Healthy and his bloodtype is A.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Physical traits: Nothing in particular except that he looks impassive most of the time and looks pretty much like
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I don’t mind a bit of meta (canon does that sometimes in its gag stuff anyway), but I’d prefer if you don’t break the 4th wall with him. Other than that is fair game and I will roll with it \o\
Abilities: Jin has exceptional swordsmanship and reflexes. He owns a Nox Nyctores class Ar Magus called Yukianesa, a katana made of ice which has the ability to manipulate water in the atmosphere, allow Jin to freeze things or shape up ice into various different forms to attack (eg. An ice car blade that he can use to propel himself towards his opponents), a video of his combos can be found
here, and his moveset list is found
here. Canon also states that the ice created by Yukianesa erodes life and seems to be able to freeze even a room filled with fire.
Technically using these ice moves requires that he uses Seithr, something that only exists in his canon’s universe, but if he ever has to use them in Camp, I’ll assume that ~*Camp Magic*~ allows him to use it. Somehow.
ETA: apparently Jin can use regular healing ars magus spells according to the wheel of fortune drama cd. the moor you know.
Notes for the Psychics : Jin may look like a drywall but he definitely isn’t the most sanest person and his head is a pretty effed up place. His memories are rather messed up by the canon’s resident troll antagonist, aaaaand his sword sort of does things to his head and add to his crazy. At the canon point I'm taking him from, he’s going to start to learn to control it.
One day I won’t be lazy and essay about all the speshul stuff in his head but tl;dr Jin stalks Ragna [who’s actually his blood-related brother] and hates Noel [because she looks exactly like his blood-related sister who he also (supposedly) hates]and if presented with the chance, will blame her for miserable things that happen to him.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: ask/ask/yes/yes, he’ll fight back
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: He HATES this and likely won’t react well, but I live to torture my characters so sure!
Maim/Murder/Death: Uhh... it depends, let’s talk about it if it comes up.
Cooking: I assume he can do basic stuff.
Other: here are some other stuff about him from the artbook:
* Hobbies: Collecting vintage motorcycles
* Values: Nothing
* Likes: Being left alone
* Dislikes: Weaklings, meat dishes