Scott sets fyre: what class do you have next
vintagefrequency: history of modern art.
Scott sets fyre: i see
Scott sets fyre: yeah i have an art history final soon
Scott sets fyre: im scared of that
vintagefrequency: haha finnnnals
vintagefrequency: i don't have finals in that class because we don't really learn anything
Scott sets fyre: haha awesome
vintagefrequency: that would be the most rediculous finals i've ever had
vintagefrequency: not really, i like learning
vintagefrequency: haha
Scott sets fyre: see we are supposed to learn stuff but its all slides, so if i try to pay attention i really have to fight to stay awake, and to make sure i stay awake i write lyrics and doodle, but then i dont learn as much
Scott sets fyre: its quite a viscious cycle
Scott sets fyre: haha
Scott sets fyre: 3 hours of slides is a long time, no lights, quiet room
vintagefrequency: haha yeah my teacher is 89 years old and he just talks about like smoking grass (in the least interesting way POSSIBLE) and somehow relate completely different topics in one big long boring ass lecture.
Scott sets fyre: haha ouch
vintagefrequency: yeah.
vintagefrequency: boooo.
Scott sets fyre: seriously
Scott sets fyre: booooo to stuff
Scott sets fyre: dammit i need to do really bad
Scott sets fyre: haha
Scott sets fyre: ill have to tonight or ill be in trouble
Scott sets fyre: actually im already in the trouble stage muhuhaha
Scott sets fyre: but ill be naked tomorrow
vintagefrequency: ah yes, I just did laundry. I'm still not finished, and it's been in he process for like 5 days haha
Scott sets fyre: haha damn
Scott sets fyre: yeah, well im like missing intregal parts of my daily decor, lets say
Scott sets fyre: so what else is new
vintagefrequency: not much
vintagefrequency: There is always this girl in the lab that makes the most obnoxious noises and everyone is always either really pissed off at her or laughing hysterically at her.
vintagefrequency: It's so disturbing, it's like a mixture of shouting, coughing laughing and whining. I just want to yell at her! Ooooh well. Someday, someone will.
Scott sets fyre: hahaha weird
Scott sets fyre: haha odd, you should ask her what the hell is going on
vintagefrequency: haha no
vintagefrequency: sooo bored
Scott sets fyre: just be like "yo, lady - are you getting sexually posessed by some kind of horny demon?"
vintagefrequency: it's like a young girl.
Scott sets fyre: haha ok
Scott sets fyre: well you saw the excorcist
vintagefrequency: hahaha
vintagefrequency: yeah
That about sums it up. OK, so instead of asking who wants to exchange gifts, I'll just tell you who I am going to buy for:
Immediate family
Armand (because he bought me something.. that boy!)
uuuum... I don't know.
Anyway, if you aren't on the list and you do want to exchange gifts (drew, etc.), do tell me, and it would be cool.
If you are on the list and you DON'T want to exchange gifts (nicole, etc.), tell me also, because I could careless.
I just like buying gifts for people.
Also, if you want to tell me a price range (if it really matters to you) you can too. I am not really sure what I'll be spending, it is just one of those, "if I find something that is perfect, it doesn't matter", sort of things.