a kiss, and all was said.
THE CHALLENGEWrite a drabble, ficlet, one-shot, multi-chapter story in which there is a kiss. That's all, that simple. Can be het fic, one pairing, multiple pairings, an OT3. Only a few requirements to be met
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Aw! I'm really glad one of your fics showed up there. I asked around for some recommendations and listed what I received. :Db
(RIGHT!? I am so happy with what's shown up thus far. Couldn't be happier. :D ♥)
♥ ♥ I'm so glad you shared thissssss!
I'm usually not big on the pairing either. Well, in real life I am big on all of them, paired or all together, but I mean in terms of reading fic. There are some pairings that I can feel I would love but don't because of the way they tend to be written, with Jun/Ohno being one of them. And Jun/Nino another, actually, and it's possible I sometimes just have troubles with how Jun is written. But in real life I think Jun/Ohno is one of the sweetest and most trusting twosomes within Arashi and if it was written like that I would love it.
(The second paragraph is longer but the first, with the thanks and the happiness, is more important. ♥)
I love the way they touch each other, it's like a slow tease and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy :D
I love this pair, especially when written this way.
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