The Incredible diversity of Mr. Hale's wig...

May 01, 2010 22:24

In the first film, Jasper was...believable.  It wasn't the way it had been described in the book, but with Jackson Rathbone playing the part, it was an acceptable deviation.

Then in walked the former Mr. Darcy wig, formerly used to great advantage in Pride & Prejudice (1995), which falls into the "things that make you go, "Hmm?" category.

And now...I just can't even comment.  There aren't words... Being straight, it does approach the correct look, but still!

This last version insinuates hair regrowth.  Has he been using Rogaine for the Undead???

I'm a fan of Jackson Rathbone, of Jasper Hale as a character, and of the Twilight series in general.  I'm not complaining, I'm just completely mystified by their ability to keep Rob's hair spot on, while Jasper's is a little up for creative license.

Rant over...sorry :)

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