I was just passed walking down Wilshire blvd by a twinky looking guy with long hair, a wide black silver-studded collar wearing a My Little Pony shirt with Rainbow Dash on it all tied up.
Gay, probably. Furry, probably. And I shudder to utter the words, but, "Bronie"- probably.
You know something, I know that I tend have the social graces of a blind retarded elephant, but at least I don't call someone a jerk (and needlessly!) just before asking for their help.
Thanks, I can really use this super awesome Nikon lens on my Canon cameras... wait... no, that's not right. When I purchased something that said "Canon EF Mount", that doesn't mean f'ing Nikon AF mount! >.< And damn doesn't a 28-200mm lens sound killer for being at a track.