1. Go to Career Cruising, www.careercruising.com
2. Put in Username: nycareers and Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top twenty results
5. Put the careers you have seriously considered in bold
6. Italicize any careers you've had
2.Explosives Specialist
3.Agricultural Engineer
4.Lighting Technician
7.Hydrologist / Hydrogeologist
8.Aerospace Engineer
9.Biological Tech
10.Cardiovascular Tech
11.Water Treatment Plant Operator
14.Biomedical Engineer
15.Electrical Engineer
16.Camera Operator
18.Chemical Engineer
20.Environmental Engineer
Most of my suggestions were things like appliance repair and agricultural engineer, until I added my level of education. I love this list and would consider almost any of them. However, I have never done ANY of them. Except Actor, but that hardly qualifies as a career, since I haven't been onstage since college. Let it also be noted that Disc Jockey (#24) and Musician (#28) were also on here.