[OOC: PLOTTING - attention all of Pearl's CR!]

Jan 26, 2010 18:10

Hello my lovelies! I got a personal virus for Pearl approved a couple of days ago which I'll be affecting her by in the next few days or so, but before that happens I wanted to get your input on it. Because basically, I'm flash-forwarding Pearl to her early 20s for a few days - so for as long as she's affected, she'll be roughly 12 years ahead of ( Read more... )

virus, plotting, ooc

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Comments 39

attorney_at_lol January 26 2010, 18:22:37 UTC
Okay, fff. SOMEDAY, I WILL GET TO APOLLO JUSTICE CANON, so I think it's safe to assume that Phoenix will have been disbarred some time between now and then. Obviously some things will be different, because DDD has altered his time-line so much, but, eh... He can has Trucy? And he may be working on passing the bar again to get himself reinstated. ...And he may be in a relationship with Edgeworth, lmao. >___> BUT IT IS NOT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, PERHAPS, though I'm sure Pearls would know. /will not speculate on this until she talks to Tif ( ... )


ofhopeandglory January 26 2010, 18:29:28 UTC
I say that this all sounds pretty plausible to me! Phoenix's disbarment and his relationship with Edgeworth were actually two of the things I had planned on discussing with you and Tif anyway since I figured that if anything happened on either of those fronts, Pearls would know about it, ha ha. Also, I approve of a similar dynamic for then and now! :>

... jsyk she will totally still be calling him Mr. Nick. |D And she totally would not lose contact with him at all, man. Once she discovered about him being disbarred you can be that she bombarded him with phone calls or text messages or something. :|


truthinfortune January 26 2010, 18:45:04 UTC
Let's see... In twelve years time, Naoto is definitely a super famous detective, even outside of Japan! I'm going to be vague about whether Kanji and Naoto actually ended up being married or not (they're still very close, to say the least), but Kanji would definitely have his own fashion line by then, too!


not_that_lockon January 26 2010, 20:05:21 UTC
Noted! :D Fffff I bet Pearl looks up to her so much by then as well that she'll probably start fangirling younger!Naoto too out of habit. XD;


truthinfortune January 26 2010, 22:32:08 UTC
And Naoto will be all like, "Awwww~ Wait, what?" SO CONFUSED!


heliotactic January 26 2010, 19:16:31 UTC
Has Pearl met Epsilon, or am I just wishing they'd met already?


not_that_lockon January 26 2010, 20:04:23 UTC
They haven't met, no, but that could totally be arranged in the near-future, in which case future!Pearl would probably remember it. So if you're up for it, I'd be totally cool with arranging something like that?


heliotactic January 26 2010, 20:08:28 UTC
Better if they don't meet until after Pearl's minivirus, actually, because canon gets eventful and none of the Pluto cast wants to get 4th walled about their futures. I was just checking to see if I'd have to tell you to have Pearl just not think about Epsilon for a while. XD


stfu_yukatan January 26 2010, 20:32:05 UTC
Ah, gotcha! I'll just conveniently say that the community wiped future!Pearl's memories or something, then. |D


lockon2urheart January 26 2010, 19:24:48 UTC
I'D IMAGINE THAT IN 12 YEARS WE'D HAVE GOTTEN THROUGH S2 CANON SO UH. That means Mileina and Lockon'll be....will they still be travelling to Jupiter or will they be ensconced in movie canon by then, idk. ASSUME TRAVELLING TO JUPITER FOR THE EASE OF IT PERHAPS. But you know all that :'D Things are probably going to stick fairly close to canon, or as close as we can get, right? so.

...for the record i'd assume maya's finally come into her own as a master of kurain by then, and i wouldn't be surprised if it's starting to become as famous as it once was. you know maya would have a ...special....genius for advertising. especially since by AJ, it's canon that she still likes samurai films and stuff, what with sending Nick loads of them in hospital. AHEM but that's just a thought.


stfu_yukatan January 26 2010, 20:31:13 UTC
I think if movie!Mileina is 16 they'd be at Jupiter OR SOMETHING by then idek, but I can just have Pearl pull out some sort of "... eeeeeeerm i can't tell you that sorry >____>" if anyone asks her, due to the sensitive nature of these Jupiter things and the shitstorm that is s2 canon. :'D

Heee I'd been thinking about something like that anyway tbh! I was like. Imagining Pearls getting "dude did you hear she's a member of THE Fey family" sort of rumours about her, so. |D


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ofhopeandglory January 26 2010, 20:57:21 UTC
It's okay if you don't have much of an idea, really - I mean, 12 years is a long time to think about even in fictional terms. I just really put it up here in case anyone did have anything which future!Pearl would know so that I could have her react accordingly to them. ^^


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