Roger Helmer MEP and Godfrey Bloom MEP made
almost identical submissions to the science and technology select committee inquiry about the CRU emails. The submissions were full of the usual blogosphere borderline libelous nonsense about "hide the decline" and about the Hockey Stick: the kind of stuff which is common currency among the ignorant, the
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Comments 5
Your Committee of Enquiry should appoint a team of independent statisticians
Well, the last time that happened they apparently conspired and produced a rubbish report.
Hans von Storch and Myles Allen give one of the more saner submissions:
it is critical to point out that no grounds have arisen to doubt the validity of the thermometer-based temperature record since 1850, nor any results based upon it. The mainstream media has confused discussions about uncertain climate reconstructions built on tree-ring data, such as the so-called 'hockey stick', with the more secure thermometer record. While these proxy-based reconstructions remain a controversial area of active research, the thermometer record alone shows unequivocally that the Earth is warming. Moreover, it is the temperature record, not proxy-based reconstructions, that provides the principle evidence that most of the recent warming is very likely attributable to human activity.
Sadly, the Institute of Physics, my old ProfSoc has been Trojaned it seems.
"UKIP MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire".
The constituency happens to be called "Yorkshire and the Humber":;jsessionid=50DEB9282A3D234CFD33E3A1FF43A87F.node1?country=GB&zone=Yorkshire+and+the+Humber&language=EN
(ha, like that links going to work)
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