my hair pwns you all!

Apr 21, 2005 20:39

so yeah reportcards came, and i failed math with a 60. so bcz of that and something else (which you will read on) i couldn't get my belly button pierced...=(=(=(

so yeah, well i haven't updated in awhile. so i can sum everything up for you. in the past week that is. lmfao. sprong break started. and you know who i was with, BRIANNE! =) lmfao. i hung out with her like fri. sat. and sun.  no joke! well um yeah so i think it was sat. (??) brii came over we went up to Rita's, i got a misto and brii got a gelati, Fuge Brownie!!! omg i love that stuff!!! we saw brii's friend at Rita's and she had this mouse stuff that temp. dyes your hair. and i've been wanting to try that so i asked her if i could have one bcz she had like 48708329571 of them. lol. ;) :) and yeah so i got the "funky cherry" one. then we came home and  went up stairs and dyed my hair. it looks purple though, so it's awsome and pwns you!lmfao. then i got introuble. lol.  then yeah we went back to brii's house and i slept over. then we went to the movies with Shorty (kristin) Erin, her 3 friends, Taj and Dre. that was eventful! lmfao! we saw a remake of a horror movie can't spell it so i'm not even going to try. lmfao! so yeah that was awsome. but yet weird and boring. lmfao! then we went home. and hung out with the 2 best guys! Chris Bair and Derek R! omg i love them! then we got introuble and had to go in. haha. then we went to sleep.

Tuesday- went to midget grandmas house, went to TJ Max, got a cute skirt, some capris a cute green halter, and a cute yellowish limegreenish t-shirt. then went to my other grandmas house. stayed there till today. yeah yesterday we went to the cemitary. =). the to Kohls, got this cute white spring jackett. i love it. then yeah my parent came and picked me up today!

but yeah, there's alot of ppl IMing me right now, and i'm getting yelled at to get off so yeah i'm outta here!

Comment you sons-of-bitches! =) <3

Lover You All!!!!

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