Yesterday was the last rehearsal for COMPANY until next Saturday night where we have a brush up rehearsal before the tech process. Because of this I wanted to post my favorite songs from the show. Both of which are sung by our lead Colum Park Morgan who plays Robert. He has an amazing voice and Ive especially helped him out more than others this
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Comments 2
Sorry I haven't replied until now. Sleep has been much more important than checking email and LJ so I'm just now catching up on everything.
I may not need to hook up with someone. I'm totally crushing on one of my employees right now and he's just... Well, the way I explained it to Suz was that being with him makes my biological clock want to start ticking.
He's not the hottest guy on the block but he's SOOOOO intelligent (getting his MDPHD - medical doctorate) and he talks like its the end of the world. We are talking serious crushing material here.
I'll try to either call or check IM later to talk to you all about him. Its so bad I even smile when I say his name. I'm so twitterpated its not even funny! *le sigh*
Please, please, please chat with me soon. Im feeling very distant and seperated from you, and I dont want to drift away.
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