Feb 08, 2004 17:52

The coffee house went alright, it was tiring though, at first people came when we were still setting up, we got a good amount of people, and it went pretty well considering it was our first time running a coffee house. We had enough acts to fill up the night, and everyone did really good. The highlight of the night was making name tags for Jami'( ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

ilovenickole February 9 2004, 00:48:30 UTC
saturday night, ha :x


Re: nickool February 9 2004, 03:54:36 UTC
ahhh....thats all i have to say...and i can't wait for our valentines date!!!!! haha


bluestarydreams February 9 2004, 02:37:53 UTC
hahahahaha, us doing are dance party when no one was looking, good times :)..and eating all the left over foods :)hhahah


Re: nickool February 9 2004, 03:55:33 UTC
oh yeah i forgot us eating that food like crazy haha....that was fun. i want a muffin now!


_outeverywindow February 19 2004, 21:17:25 UTC
new journal. add.


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