If credit companies don't want to let you get one, it's probably in your best interests not to have one.
They're easier to abuse than you think. You think your financial situation sucks now? Add on a couple thousand dollars of debt acruing 16% interest. Credit cards are an excellent way to fuck your life up in a permanent kind of way. Don't get one until you're responsible enough to use one.
And no, you are not responsible enough to use one.
Apply at a bank for a student loan. My boss at work used to work for Bank of America and got me mine. Lie on the form and put down some school you plan on attending. (That is if you don't goto school.)
Comments 9
Be young.
Be virile.
Be supple.
Be soft.
Be willing.
Bend over
Interests are comming.
If credit companies don't want to let you get one, it's probably in your best interests not to have one.
They're easier to abuse than you think. You think your financial situation sucks now? Add on a couple thousand dollars of debt acruing 16% interest. Credit cards are an excellent way to fuck your life up in a permanent kind of way. Don't get one until you're responsible enough to use one.
And no, you are not responsible enough to use one.
That'll be 5 dollars kind sir.
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