
Dec 29, 2004 17:59

for your all's information, not all boys are pricks... alyssa

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Comments 9

luckydanman December 30 2004, 01:47:11 UTC


anonymous December 31 2004, 00:04:11 UTC
Well yes, I do believe all of them are what you call "pricks", yes definitely all of the male species.


nickw208 December 31 2004, 02:25:04 UTC
im pretty sure that sex is not a species... rather a gender.


lord_north December 31 2004, 03:53:27 UTC
lol, nice


nickw208 December 31 2004, 21:22:43 UTC
That ladies and gentlemen is an example of a PRICK!!!


ihatejello December 31 2004, 05:28:00 UTC
i know. but certain boys are pricks to the tenth power.

why are you never online?! we haven't talked in ages.


ihatejello December 31 2004, 05:29:05 UTC
certain boys are spoiled, selfish, rude pricks. just a few.


ihatejello December 31 2004, 05:34:23 UTC
oh my god, i need to stop reading this entry before i start MY BIG LONG HUGE RANT ABOUT THIS PRICK BOY. that's why i closed the comments on my journal, but leave it to you to take an entry of mine and make it public. okay, i seriously need to stop because i've come dangerously close to replying to someone's comment with some nasty words.


nickw208 December 31 2004, 16:49:47 UTC
i havent been online b/c ive been on the island like my entire vacation.


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