So, there has been alot in this week. (it's still 7th here.)
I knew this BG would be gay but... LOL.
First the best:
♥Daddy bought me th enew iPod x'3
♥In my new fanfiction "Suffuse" (which I will uplooad here sometime soon... I still need a beta) I pubished it at about 10:00 p.m. When I woke up I had already 3 subs! x'3 (right now, I have like 6 or 7 at the moment. It's a new record for me!! x3)
♥I got Photoshop CS5 =)
The worst:
*Daddy is a Colonel and he was sent to work in a very far away place. This Friday was the last time my lil bro and I would get to see him in God-knows-how-long (Parents divorced, HATE each other, lives with mother, complicated.). And you know what? We only got to see him half an hour and it was while we were buying the iPod. (great place sence none of us likes malls -.-) And he even couldn't drive us home because he had this meeting and he was going late so he even had to ask a military driver to take us home... Charmed.
*I made this super-cute DenNor background for my Youtube account with the "Fairytale" (not Alexander's) theme. I knew it was going to turn out Gay but GODDAMN IT! THAT WAS TOO MUCH! ROFL! xD However that is not the part that annoys me. What annoys me is that YT has a limit of weight for backgrounds and I had to reduce the quality of it until it turned out to look like shizz! IS AWFUL! To think I spent HOURS enslaving myself in Photoshop looking for brushes and editing! GRRR. DAMNIT!
You can see the original quality
here. To see how Youtube screwed it up click
I took pictures of my lovely Husky "Rocko". However, I gave him a full name (scientifical xD) "Rockus Lovino Whitey" LOL!
Now, "Rockus" is because of his original name. Just wanted to make it more... elegant.
"Lovino" is NOT because of Romano but because "Lovino" sounds somewhere like "Lobo" which means "Wolf" in Spanish.
"Whitey" Because that's how I wanted to name him but everyone else was like NNNOOOO~ Just because my family HAS to go against me as if it were a necessity ¬¬
So this is how he looks like (there are some weird shoot angles but...):
Silly boy wanting to get into the house when he knows he shoudn't.
Isn't he quite photogenic?
And last, my favorite:
SKETCHES! (does this deserve to be called fanart?, i don't think so.)
Okay, so for my birthday my mom gave me her Laptop Touch (I really wanted it). and I can turn the screen around and use it as a piece of paper but I think I'm still better in RL (I can't even draw well with a pencil in a normal sh*t o' peiper (as lil bro would write it))
Oh anyway, I want to fill this post so I'll put what I did in paint.
Can you tell?
It's my phailed attempt of drawing Norway and my self-portrait!!!
This pic shows that even in the middle of the Japanese class I can't have my hand still (please ignore my handwriting)
In case you can't decipher it (I don't know how to rotate pics) it's in the lower part of the picture. It's a "fairy! and another attempt to draw Norway (he always ends up looking emo!) Gomen, in my life I have been able to draw an anime character.
This was supposed to be a Den/fem!Nor drawing but the stooopid me decided that it HAD to be drawn with a 8B pencil... *hits head* and I ACTUALLY wanted to fix this crap but when I tried, I couldn't erase it anymore.
I mean, HELLOW! This looks like some weird woman with a cross drawn in her hair and Netherlands with long hair, Scottish skirt and stockings.
' S U F F U S E ' illustrations
So these are some things I drew based on the fanfiction I'm writing. It's one drawing per former chapter (it's no longer that since I chopped former Chapter two in two chapters)
Chapter One:
Belarus standing by the window of Norway's room with the dialogue "It sure took you long to grow tired of it."
Former Chapter two: (now within chapter 3)
Former Chapter three: (Now probably 4 or even 5)
I know they can't be seen well but if one day I get to know how to use the friggin scanner they I'll re-upload it.
*order in which they were drawn: chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 1.
*Pics shoot with my iPod