So this is a journal mainly inspired by
Kimmie (Yes, balme her) for this part of her comment: "How did you get hurt in camp.?? O:"
Taking this opportunity, I will post about this year's "School Camp" (I don't know which term I should apply since it wasn't a camp but.... a trip? I don't know but it is forbidden to schools here to have camping now.)
Soooo.... yeah, we had a bus ride of about 2 and-a-half hours. Then we finally arrived to the sacred place. It was RIGHT beside the Pacaya Volcano (yes the one whose eruption made the
sand rain last year). Now that I think... I actually could've walked there.
Isn't it pretty? x'3
//The first was "crawling under this one and jumping the next one".
Girls were indeed pathetic.
//The second one was something like a train or worm or something. We all had to walk with that 'chinga la vista' orange thing.
Though there were some that just couldn't do it or simply didn't feel like it so they withdrew.
// We couldn't miss the typical sack of potatoes....
...Of five people.
Girls were loosing but at least they didn't fall.
For those who don't know, this 'sack of potatoes' activity is that you get into a sack of potatoes and jump to the 'finish'. It is usually of just one person but this time....
//Then we got wet. We had to make a pyramid... in the pool. with jeans, socks and everything (boys carry girls ;D). It was filled with natural water so it looked green (natural may be but still it looked gross.)
Thank God I was spared from this one.
// Next they made us use this.... carpet? as slide. They made it slippery by throwing water with soap. The this is that the "slide" was on top of rocks so I got all bruised.
This is Daniella. One third of my Yummy Trio.
// Then, all wet we had the activity that caused most of my injuries: crawling like soldiers under this net that had sharp rocks and mud.
Daniella agin, crawling on the mud
And showing the injuries she doesn't have. (jk, she got scraped like all of us but it can't be seen here).
//I was also spared from the tobbogan. It ended in the lagoon and then you had to swim to the other side.
//The worst of all was this swing bridge we all were terrified. It took me a whole hour to cross it plus I had nerves attack when I was around half of it and I started crying and got desperate (much to mine and my group's dismay). Trust me, it looks easy but when you are already there over the middle a lagoon... that's another level ;)
Angie about to fall.
The bridge and the toboggan.
// My favorite was canopy. It felt so good and refreshing. It wasn't hard nor stressing at all.
//But the absolute best was the 'pool time'. The time when we throw everyone to the pool. Teachers included!!!!!
Unfortunately I couldn't film a teacher being thrown at the pool but I did got some footage. Might upload it laterrr