On my way to regain freedom! YAY!!! XD

Jan 26, 2006 07:40

So, yesterday went to the hospital once again... I'm starting to get to know everyone in the fracture clinic! :P Some more x-rays, some more examination and...surprise, surprise!!! Plaster removed! :DDD Hurray!
Meaning, from now on, I can start weight-bearing gradually.

In a couple of weeks more I'll be flying again!

Well...there's another operation to come...but that'll be in 3 months, and I don't want to think about that for now... :P
Still have my crutches, 'cause my leg still hurts like hell if I put too much weight on it and with certain movements...but that's a matter of time now and of keeping the leg and foot moving. :) Yes, it moves now! lol :D

Soon I'll be wearing these again (!!!) :

...yes...these are the ones I was wearing when I broke my leg... ~_~

As for now, I'll stick to these:

......'cause I had to get some flat shoes while it's still recovering...and this is as flat as it gets for me... :P lol

So, yes! I'm feeling happy!!! :D

World!, beware!, 'cause I'm coming back to life!!! (social life, I mean... :P)

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