Regardless to what everybody and their moms are posting all over the world wide web I really enjoyed the last episode of Supernatural and I think it just keeps getting better and better, so as usual, I made a picspam.
Yaaay me!
1. James Dean's car \o/
2. Dead guy is the same guy from Heart, in season 2. See
here.3. The blood, the guy's half head, the GORE. Oh how much I love the gore. I'm a big wuss when it comes to clowns or cockroaches though.
Dean: Agents Bonham and Copeland.
Jim: I heard about the curse but I thought it was a lot of crap.
Dean: The curse? What do you mean curse?
Jim: The car... Little bastard.
Dean: Little bastard? As in THE little bastard? Oh we're definitely checking this out!
Boys in suits again, rock star aliases and Dean's face when he founds out about little bastards.
I love you, show!
Sam: So I'm guessing the engine number...
Dean: On the engine, yeah.
Sam: You want me to do it?
Dean: No. No no I've... I've got it. Ok baby, I'm not gonna hurt you, so don't hurt me.
I love the way Dean says "baby" to the car. And the way he talks to "her" like it was a real woman or something.
Sam: Need a flashlight?
Dean: NO! Don't... do anything, just go away.
Sam: You... er... ok.
Dean: Don't speak! Alright. Don't even look at her, she might not like it.
This scene was made of win! Poor puppySam he got rejected, AGAIN. He just wants to help old brother and keeps getting rejected and waits besides the car with his hands in his pockets, and then old brother gives him tons of homework to do. I love the fact that, in a way, Sam is the littlest brother in the world again. Even though he's like a hundred feet tall.
Faces. That moron cop was a moron.
Sam: Señora Alvarez. Cálmese por favor. Er... díganos lo que vió.
Dean: Nice...
Sam: Freshman spanish. Tall man, very tall, with a long black coat and a beard.
Sra. Alvarez: Y un sombrero.
Dean: Dude was wearing a sombrero?
Sam: No, a hat. A tall hat.
Dean: Like Abraham Lincoln.
Sra. Alvarez: Yes, Abraham Lincoln killed Mr. Hill.
Dean: Huh?
Sra. Alvarez: So I go home now?
Sam: Sí, gracias.
Dean: Gracias.
Dean looking at Sam and giving him the "I'm not dealing with this fuckery" look. And of course Sam instantly getting it and speaking spanish. SAMUEL WINCHESTER SPEAKING SPANISH FTMTFW!
Dean: That is "muchos" locos.
Sam: "Muy", not "muchos".
LOL Sam is so geek I love him.
Plus the boys matching wallpapers.
Dean: Dude he's short!
Sam: Hey! Ghandi was a great man!
Dean: Yeah for a smurf.
Guide: Sorry to keep you waiting, this is our busiest time of the year.
Dean: This is busy?
Guide: Well... not right now but it's early.
Dean: It's 4:30.
OMG I laughed SO MUCH at this scene, really. WHO SAYS THAT!?
Just when I thought you couldn't get any weirder show.
Dean: Check it out. Four score and several years ago I had a funny hat.
ROTFLMAO! THIS!!!! THIS is why I love you so much Dean!
OMG and Sam!!! Not amused AT ALL. Oh brothers be brothers. So much love, show. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.
Sam: Dean!
Dean: Is that Ghandi?
Sam: Yeah!
Dean: Dude he's squirelly.
Ghandi, Sam? Really? OMG! So epic. And the fact that Ghandi is Sam's big hero and John is Dean's big hero shows how much of a family man Dean is. I bet a thousand dollars that if Dean were a girl, Mary would be his/her best friend, of course if she was alive. I love how much of a simple man is Dean freakin' Winchester. Will you marry me, Dean?
Girls: She look really good though. Skinny. Skinny and fast.
Dean: Would you excuse us for just a minute? Paris Hilton is not dead right?
Sam: I'm pretty sure. No.
Dean: Which means it's not a ghost.
Sam: No.
Dean: So what or Paris Hilton is a homicidal maniac or...
Sam: or we missed something.
Dean: What you wanna do?
Of course, what Sam wants to do is play real doctors. YEAH! For our amusement.
Dean: What are those seeds?
Sam: Yeah! They were in both victims bellies.
Dean: I hope you washed your hands.
Sam: They aren't like any other seeds I've ever seen before, Dean.
Dean: Just when I thought you couldn't get any gekier.
LOL aaawwwwww!
So much love boys, SO MUCH LOVE.
Paris: Awesome!
Dean: I hate to break it to you sister but, you can't eat me. See I'm not a Paris Hilton BFF. I've never even seen The House of Wax.
Paris Hilton was half awesome making fun of herself and all, and Sam's puppy face when Dean says he has not seen The House of Wax. Funny show. Although I HAVE seen The House of Wax too many times.
Dean: Now a word.
Sam: Dude, you just got whaled by Paris Hilton.
Have I told you I love you, Sam? Even with all that Paris Hilton blood on your face. I still want to marry your older brother though.
Dean: You wanna drive?
Because THAT is the way Dean says I love you and I'm too lazy to transcript all of what they say. It was nice to see them talking again, and I mean REALLY talking, without fighting and raising their voices and throwing punches.
BEWARE of SPOILERS coming down.
If you want to use this post PLEASE ask first and credit. It took me forever. Seriously. Karma is a bitch.
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