Ain't We Got Fun

May 24, 2023 09:29

"Вот так потеха!" или, если буквально, "Разве нам не весело".
Popular foxtrot published in 1921 with music by Richard A. Whiting, lyrics by Raymond B. Egan and Gus Kahn.
It was first performed in 1920 in the Fanchon and Marco revue Satires of 1920, then moved into vaudeville and recordings. "Ain't We Got Fun?" and its jaunty response to poverty and its promise of fun ("Every morning / Every evening," and "In the meantime, / In between time") have become symbolic of the Roaring Twenties, and it appears in some of the major literature of the decade, including The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and in Dorothy Parker's award-winning short story of 1929, "Big Blonde." The song also contains variations on the phrase "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" (substituting, e.g., "children" for "poorer"); though this phrase predates the song, its use increased with the song's popularity.

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Ain’t We Got Fun

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Liz Gillies Seth MacFarlane

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Margaret Whiting & Bob Hope

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Doris Day & Gordon MacRae

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Every morning, every evening
Ain't we got fun
Not much money, oh, but honey
Ain't we got fun
The rent's unpaid dear
And we haven't a bus
But smiles were made dear
For people like us
In the Winter in the Summer
Don't we have fun
Times are bum and getting bummer
Still we have fun
There's nothing surer
The rich get rich and the poor get poorer
In the meantime, in between time
Ain't we got fun
Every morning, every evening
Ain't we got fun
Not much money, oh, but honey
Ain't we got fun
The rent's unpaid dear
And we haven't a bus
But smiles were made dear
For people like us
In the Winter in the Summer
Don't we have fun
Times are bum and getting bummer
Still we have fun
There's nothing surer
The rich get rich and the poor get poorer
In the meantime, in between time
Ain't we got fun
Every Summer, every Winter
Don't we have fun
Twins and cares dear come in pairs dear
Still we have fun
When I first saw you
I had but one thought
And then you chased me
Until you were caught
From the day I whispered
May I please hold your hand
You progressed and I'm impressed
And I think you're grand
I'm not too clever
But I'd like to say those words forever
Thank you kind sir I won't mind sir
Ain't we got fun

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