Скрипичные концерты. Бела Барток. Номер 1

Sep 18, 2024 09:30

Violin Concerto No. 1, Sz. 36, BB 48a was written in the years 1907-1908, but only published in 1956, 11 years after the composer's death, as "Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. posth." It was premiered on 30 May 1958 in Basel, Switzerland.
The concerto was dedicated, as was Othmar Schoeck's concerto for the same instrument, to the violinist Stefi Geyer, with whom Bartók was in love. Geyer could not reciprocate Bartók's feelings and rejected the concerto. It was revived after both Bartók and Geyer had died.
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