Поздний трагический Лист

Feb 18, 2015 00:01

Франц/Ференц Лист в последние годы жизни резко изменил свой стиль. Кажется, что это и не Лист вовсе. Я не знал об этих поздних фортепианных произведениях, знал только вот такого Листа, но меня просветил мудрый и глубоко музыкально образованный мой френд velworks, спасибо ему.
По-русски я не нашел толковых комментариев, вот по-английски
The radical change Franz Liszt's compositional style underwent in the last 20 years of his life was unprecedented in Western classical music. The tradition of music had been one of unified progression, even to the extent of Johannes Brahms' First Symphony being known as "Beethoven's Tenth". Beethoven's own three periods of composition are monolithic and united. Liszt's, by comparison, seem deconstructivist. Replacing pages which in Liszt's earlier compositions had been thick with notes and virtuoso passages was a starkness where every note and rest was carefully weighed and calculated, while the works themselves become more experimental harmonically and formally.

At the same time, no other 19th-century composer offers the thinking musician such a brimming cornucopia of forward-looking technical devices. Works such as Bagatelle sans tonalité ("Bagatelle without Tonality") foreshadow in intent, if not in exact manner, composers who would further explore the modern concept of atonality. Liszt's work also foreshadowed the impressionism that would characterize the work of Debussy and Ravel, as shown in Les Jeux d'Eaux à la Villa d'Este (The Fountains of the Villa d'Este) from the third volume of Années de Pèlerinage. Another precursor of impressionism is Nuages gris, which won the admiration of both Debussy and Stravinsky.
Отсюда, то есть в этих поздних произведениях Листа есть зародыши, зерна, ростки и импрессионизма, и даже атональной музыки.
Но это для музыковедов. А мне именно такая трагическая музыка близка, терпеть не могу жизнерадостность в искусстве

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