I'm a guy...so obviously my advice can't be taken seriously. But I'll try...
Go with Billy.
He's an awesome guy. He's like Nathan Ely...seriously, is incapable of doing mean things. Bilyy won't hurt you, won't be a jackass guy who uses you, won't be any of the bad stuff that I hear girls bitching about constantly. He's like the epitome of "the nice guy" from that speech Alex posted in his LJ a few months back.
Which leads me to another point: What do you think it would do to Billy if you suddenly decided he wasn't for you? I mean, hey, it might actually not be a big deal...or he could seriously be falling for you. You really want to mess him up?
Nicole: If you are spending this much time deliberating between two gentlemen, neither of them are for you. I suggest waiting until you develop feelings for someone that no other guy can make you doubt.
HA thast some advice i would have wanted myself lets say, like 6 months ago. then i wouldnt have gotten into loads of trouble. eeek. ALEX YOUR A GENIUS! or just a normal person. :)
Hmmm...At first instinct I think u should go with #1, if u had worked the whole year to get where u are with him, and suddenly that all changes because #2 comes back into ur life...Then maybe that year where u tried to get him wasn't worth it? But #2 sounds great too, because he makes u feel a completely different way...
Comments 7
Go with Billy.
He's an awesome guy. He's like Nathan Ely...seriously, is incapable of doing mean things. Bilyy won't hurt you, won't be a jackass guy who uses you, won't be any of the bad stuff that I hear girls bitching about constantly. He's like the epitome of "the nice guy" from that speech Alex posted in his LJ a few months back.
Which leads me to another point: What do you think it would do to Billy if you suddenly decided he wasn't for you? I mean, hey, it might actually not be a big deal...or he could seriously be falling for you. You really want to mess him up?
If you are spending this much time deliberating between two gentlemen, neither of them are for you. I suggest waiting until you develop feelings for someone that no other guy can make you doubt.
Good luck, and fare thee well.
It's really up to u...I think both are great!
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