WMM is evil but i got this one done and saved with the help of some wonderful friends. There is one ghost frame and a few things that annoy me about this vid but overall it turned out pretty good. I was just going to go insane if i tried to do save it again w/out the errors.
I wanted to use this song b/c i adore it.
I have to say i LOVE Elizabeth but since i'm a john/teyla shipper obviously she had to be the 3rd wheel in this video. So no bashing, if you don't like this pairing don't watch the video thank you. :P So please don't take this vid seriously or be offended. it's just for fun.
Title: Girlfriend
Artist: Avril Lavigne
Vidder: Nicole
Pairing: John/Teyla with Elizabeth as the 3rd wheel (not meant to be bashing just funny)
Clips: everything up to to the finale of season 3 is fair game
Genre: Shipper/Comedy
Rating: PG-13 b/c there are some naughty words in this song
Summary: AU video.John is dating Elizabeth. Teyla wants him. He really wants Teyla. How will it end?
Format: WMV
Two links:
http://files.filefront.com/girlfriend_final_version_wmv/;7571062;/fileinfo.html http://download.yousendit.com/C99ABA5C47A71261 NEW YSI ADDED 5/22/07
since YSI has conked out heres another link you can dl from :
http://www.sendspace.com/file/87em18 added 5/23/07
FEEDBACK IS LOVED AND NEEDED I LIVE OFF IT. So if you have a moment a comment would be lovely thanks :) I'd appreciate it if you could leave it on my LJ instead of all the comm's i've crossposted to thankies