-sighs- Here I am. All new, healed, childless. I come back to see that my world has changed once again. There are so many new faces and so much new pain. I am here to start over and I see that people are hurting people with same crap all over again. I don't like that I am seeing that a father is hurting his children and his children's friends. NO
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Comments 8
ADD THE DISCLAIMER. You must have it up. It's imperative. And, as previously stated, make sure it says "disclaimer" and not something else.
And, another thing... the new journal layout style might look pretty, but it doesn't support the in-journal disclaimer link. Please use the old style. Many of us will be more than happy to help out with layouts if you want. Do NOT be afraid to ask!
1. The USER PAGE WEBSITE LINK needs to read "Disclaimer" or "After Celebrity Disclaimer".
2. You are missing the in-journal disclaimer which can be found, with directions on how to install it, here: http://www.aftercelebrity.com/add
the injournal disclaimer must be clearly marked as "disclaimer" and not titled something else
You may also want to take this time to UPDATE YOUR FRIENDS LIST by using the add/remove tool found here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/ac_maintainer/915.html?mode=reply
Don't let Live Journal Delete you. Use the tools, and fix your journal to prevent any "surprizes" later.
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