halp. D:

May 29, 2010 01:43

So this has been driving me crazy for the past week. Maybe some nice person out there has a suggestion for me?

So on July 9th thru 11th there's going to be a Youtube
gathering of sorts in Los Angeles called VidCon. I would absolutely love to go, but a few complications arise.

The biggest of these is the simple fact that I don't have anywhere near the amount of money needed to go. I'd be willing to get a job to earn some, but a) next to nobody wants to hire a fourteen year old, b) the economy sucks, c) I'd have to depend on my parents to drive me everyday, since I don't live near anything, d) my parents might not let me get a job, and e) I don't work well with people.

Another roadblock is that, because I'm so young, I need one of my parents to go with me to the convention. They don't have any money, either. We're currently struggling to find my dad some substantial work just to pay bills, and I feel really guilty asking them to come up with hundreds of dollars just for a weekend trip I want to take.

Since I live all the way out on the East Coast, flying to LA is not going to be cheap. Adding up flight, hotel, and conference costs puts me at about $700+. If I can't manage to get a job within the next week or two, I don't think I can go. The next best thing I can do to earn income is, like, walking dogs and babysitting. I live in a very small area, so it's unlikely this will earn me enough money to pay for all of this.

I'd really, really love to go; I think it'd be a great experience and alot of fun, especially if my friend Larissa can come. She's a huge fan of pretty much everyone who's going to be there, but she has to come up with her own money; I simply can't make enough to take both her, myself, and my mother, as I've stressed above. It might not even be worth going if she can't come.

The things I'm best at (writing, art) aren't really open to someone my age to get money in just a few weeks' time, either. (Unless some kind soul knows of a super-easy-to-win art contest? :'D)

So my real question to you, awesome person who's read this whole thing, is how can I make enough for VidCon, given my above restrictions? Is it feasible for me to even try to go?

(ps. anyone who answers with actual advice gets a free cookie. :P)

vidcon, being poor is not as fun as it sounds, advice needed, i should be sleeping, help?

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