X0TigerAugen0X: Today's Chicano word of the day is: Harassment The teacher asked Paco to use "harassment" in a sentence... X0TigerAugen0X: Paco smiles and says "Orale vato, mi ruca caught me in bed with my sancha, pero that's okay por que I told her that HAR ASS MENT nothing to me."
5 am in the morning.. i'm sitting here watching B play need for speed underground... its actually kinda funny.. his play by play commentary is funnier than the actual game
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BERLIN (Oct. 14) - German police apprehended a vicious crow which was attacking passers-by by getting it drunk on bait laced with alcohol, authorities said Monday
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< font color=#6622ff>hey i miss you more then you know and i want to be with you and it is killing me not being with you i'm seriously going crazy i need you by me and i will try everything to make this work call me later today around like 11am plz i need to talk to you
Angee Hates U: Luckey you like like a rat terrier that ran too fast into a brick wall Angee Hates U: and your little friend looks like the increible hulk...gone skinny and retarded Angee Hates U: she's got the face of a corn fed arkansas girl who has too little estrogen and a little more man in her if ya know what i mean