Title: Rock Show
Pairing: Kevin/Kibum
Rating: PG-13
He could get tickets to Korea-Japan Rock show through the internet. But he’s not a very fast typist. He can call the ticketing agency and get good seats for 8PM. But not being a very fast typist makes him not very fast in dialing numbers. Speed dial is a good option. But he won’t risk it. The tickets
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Comments 4
Omg, I'm so proud of you! roflrofl.
But oh my, Kevin is so cute and I would never have given up my pair of hard-earned tickets!
And Alexander was so nice <3 ;~;
At least he bothered to tell Kibum even if he thought Kevin should move on <3
Kevin being so cute was, omg, the jacket and how did the girl even outrun him lololol.
Kibum standing right there at his doorsteps, can I coo?
You're right, it's cuter without the sex ;~;
But maybe you could put the sex somewhere else! XDDD
Maybe Alexander was just guilty... ..
But maybe you're right. Haha!
Yes, you can coo. Hahaha! I was afraid that part was going to sound too old.
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