I like FB because I feel like I'm in the moment with my friends, but I miss the more in depth coverage of LJ. For much of my teenage years, one of my best friends lived in another city and we wrote to each other every week. I learned to love letters, and that's what LJ is.
Regardless, I'm glad you are doing well. I really need to get to an event one of these days to see you guys and every one else.
I have a great love of the Hyperion Cantos, especially the first book or two. I'm always trying to get people to read it because of how many different things get weaved into it. I have a feeling no one has ever taken that advice though, sadly. Surely phrases like "John Keats cybrid" and "sci-fi Canterbury Tales" would be enticing, but apparently not.
My knight, Sir William, turned me on to them. Some very intelligent, creative concepts and wonderful characters. I don't have a lot of time to read right now, mostly just at lunch, and this is a wonderful series to fill that time. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
I need to use LJ more. I really do like it better than Facebook.
Agreed. I keep trying to convince people that facebook is evil...
I need to get better about posting, period. The more I have to check, the less I write. And these days, we all need to read about 10 places (two private e-mails, work e-mail, two livejournals, one facebook, one linkdin, one blog, one message board...)
Comments 5
Regardless, I'm glad you are doing well. I really need to get to an event one of these days to see you guys and every one else.
I agree, I am amazed at some of the people I've found again thanks to FB. It definitely has its uses.
Agreed. I keep trying to convince people that facebook is evil...
I need to get better about posting, period. The more I have to check, the less I write. And these days, we all need to read about 10 places (two private e-mails, work e-mail, two livejournals, one facebook, one linkdin, one blog, one message board...)
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