So, this is the result of a big WoW patch.
///the following may contain arguably mature (but probably far from it) content!///
You Are an Animal Print Bra!
Wild, zany, and even a little crazy.
You make every date an unpredictable adventure.
You want a guy who will constantly surprise you.
A relationship that's the most insane ride of your life.
What Kind of Bra Are You?You Are Funky Panties
You're stylish, trendy, but not over the top.
You know how to look good - without looking like you're trying too hard.
Men think that you're cute, friendly, and approachable.
And you've got a spunky, feisty side that comes out after a while!
What Kind of Panties Are You?You Are Catwoman
What Superheroine Are You?The PJ's You Are Most Like: His Shirt
You're a loyal and caring girlfriend who can't get enough of her man
So much so that you love to have him with you 24-7
And when he's gone, wearing his shirt is the next best thing
What Kind of PJ's Are You?You Are Chocolate Ice Cream
Dramatic. Powerful. Flirty.
What Flavor Ice Cream Are You? I like cookies!
Also, and this is scary, i just managed to recite my entire brood swarm composition to townsend without looking at my army list...
"niekitty: 1 heavily mutated hive tyrant, 1 type A carnifex, 1 class x carnifex, 3 mutated warrior class, 2 range specced zoanthrope, 2 biovores with a heavy frag load, 2 lictor, 8 genestealers, 16 hormagaunts, 15 termagaunts, 1 synapse mutant termagaunt, 3 ripper swarms, 1 gargoyle"
all hail the geekiness of the overmind! SHPLARGH!
strangely, i seem to be bloody happy despite a rather bad sore throat...
oh well! =^^=