+Archived Podfic:
On the Jinjurly
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+Completed Podfic:
Comments 27
Because here's the deal: your podfics have changed my entire way of reading fic. Not only are they amazing in themselves and the best way to spend your way to school, work or train ride, but they're also so ridiculously well-done that it just... raises your standards.
You know I now actually hear your voice in my head whenever I read fanfiction?
You have done an amazing job and I will keep downloading every single thing you do and listen to it so, so sincerely. Today on the train, my mother who sat in front of me, kept saying that whatever I listened to it had to be good, because I was constantly smiling.
Oh, yes, it was your latest podfic. Thank you for making the long waitings in life so much better.
So thank you for doing this!
First time I've ever listened to writing-and you were an awesome first!
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