just checking in here

Jun 13, 2004 22:40

Well it's been another two weeks, and school is coming to a close. All my classes have been jokes this last week, and a little before that too really.

Not that band counts anyways, but we've just been playing stand charts and symphonic music for the last week. It's great cause I don't have to play half the time, and I get to try to play the part of the senior, which I'm not very good at. In Chem we wrapped up with batteries and such, and we finally made silly putty, much to Celis' enjoyment. The stuff I made is still sitting in my cabinet, I bet it's really gooey now. I didn't study at all for the last test, didn't make a study guide, and still got a 92. So I'm not really worried about that class, I have a 92 point something, and I'm sure I'll do fine on the final. In Algebra we started simple trig stuff like sin and cos. For a bit I was really confused, but I seem to have a hang on it now. Radians are really easy, I think I did well on Friday's test, I just need to finish problem number two.

In French we sat in class reading La Tour du Monde en 80 Jours for like a week, then had three days to write a summary of it. I only ready fifty out of eighty pages, so I most of my summary is sentences copied out of the book. I hope she doesn't notice. In British Authors we all had to put together out portfolios and write our Dear Mrs. Hicks letter for Thursday. I really don't think my letter was good at all, in fact I know it. As usual my work is subpar, and I really wanted it to be good. But it really was an outstandint class, I learned more from her than any other English teacher in my life. Thursday and Friday we sat in a circle and talked about all the things we learned this year. It was really funny, and you could tell Mrs. Hicks really enjoyed it. She's really brutal in her comments. I was my usual shy self when it was my turn, but whatever... she still intimidates me to death.

History class has been pathetic. We did class presentations the last two weeks, and we're still not done. That means everyday I sit there in the very back of the class and listen to people blab on about stuff I don't care about, and try to zone out as much as possible. Not that I'm complaining or anything, although I do wish the class was more challenging. Then I look at the AP kids and slap myself for even thinking that. My presentation went pretty well, I did it on Watergate, a subject I've seen plenty of documentaries and movies about. With that knowledge in hand, I just copied my whole presentation off Encarta and rewrote the words to sound less intelligent. I got a 90 on it, and didn't feel bad because a) I knew plenty about the subject already and b) no matter what crap I blurted out I'd have gotten an A anyways. So that's that.

Thursday I should've gone to the Kids Cafe to help out with City Year, but I was too damn tired from staying up (and not even that late, but I'm a wuss) writing my Dear Mrs. Hicks letter. So instead I walked home and took a very nice nap, woke up, and walked down to McIntyre for the Music Dept. Senior Banquiet. I played a lot of volleyball, a little hacky sack, and some ultimate frisbee. It was a good time, I even got a little gold bar for being in band three years. I feel so honored.

After work on Friday I went to see the new Harry Potter movie with Erin. I busted out some dandy free tickets, so we didn't even have to pay. Despite the fact that I read the books 3-4 years ago (and I read either the second or the third in one day, can't remember which. Leaning toward third), I thought the movie was really well done. It felt a lot more polished than the others, apparently due to a new director. The kid who plays Potter has the acting talent of Keanu Reaves (and kinda looks like him, too), but that's okay. Hopefully the next one will be as good/better.

This Saturday was ::sniff:: the last Saturday of the summer for the library! Woo! Which means starting tomorrow, I can wear summer clothes (shorts, sandals, and a polo!). It was really slow, too, so we basically sat down in stack and played rummy. Apparently, according to Jason, I have been playing the game wrong my whole life, but I still like my way better. Chamill, the security guard, joined us for a few games, too. Us three pages went out to lunch together and had chinese food, and got smoothies. Plus I brought home the check I had left in my work pants on Friday, so I have another $75. :) After work I sat around the house a bit, and played Far Cry on Peter's dandy new computer while he and Jem played Mario Kart. Bryce came over a little while after, and he basically watched me play Far Cry for a while cause I'm a great host like that. Then the four of us went for a walk, and came back eventually to eat the cookies my dad baked because he's the man. With cookies in stomach, Bryce and I walked to his house and I walked back to mine.

Sunday (that's today) I woke up wicked early, like, 10AM, and walked down to church for the end of the year BBQ. The service was still going on when I got there so I just went into the lounge (where the youth group meetings usually are), layed down on the couch, and listened to my music. When the BBQ started I... ate a lot of food. Pasta, potato salad, hamburgers, MOXIE. It was a feast fit for kings. I sat on the ground/in a chair and ate with Chris, Bryce, Matt Dit, and Lindsay Butenhoff, who's going off to Norway soon. That's really cool, best of luck to her. After we finished eating Bryce, Chris, and I walked over to Bryce's house. We played some insane hacky sack on the way, and Chris fell. It was funny. Some crazy antics when on at Bryce's house, like us watching soccer in Spanish, and then my dad picked me up. I'dve walked but my legs were tired, what can I say I'm weak.

Then tonight was the last youth group meeting for the summer. It was alright, nothing really special happened, we just hung out. Some people got really emotional, but of course not me (it's not MY last year, yet), and during the break we played hacky sack. I've been trying to learn this trick where you stall the sack on your foot. I'll be a MASTAH at it soon. So then the meeting finished (after plenty of talk about the campout), and I went home. Now I'm here, I just went for a walk about an hour ago, and I'm ready to go to sleep. I look forward to free mod mod B, and getting my plain bagel with cream cheese (they better have it this time! no more freakin' butter, I won't take that crap).

This summer should be good. I'll be working plenty I hope, so I'll be raking in the cash that way. I really need to sign up for driver's ed. SOMEWHERE, but not Central, since they're full for the next year or so. Does anyone know any good out-of-school driver's ed shops? Comment please. I need to figure that out so that I can tell work what my schedule for the summer is going to be. I'm not going to Star Island this year, I was lazy and never turned in my forms. Oh well. Hopefully I'll actually go to drumline this summer. I really should, being a senior. I just need to make sure I get that day off, or do a night shift.

I'm going to the Blue Man Group with my aunt next Sunday, that should be cool. It's down in Boston. Only thing is the next day is the last day of finals, which means I have my BAS/US Hist tests that day. I really need to make the effort and study ahead of time so I don't do it all Sunday night when I get home. That would be a REALLY bad idea. I want to get an A for the semester in BAS, and my final will make or break that grade.

I don't remember if I've said this or not, but I bought Peter's old computer off him for $175 (he has a dandy new computer now, remember?), and it's now set up as a dual-boot Gentoo/XP box. It's really nice looking. :) Over the summer I plan to learn more C, and use it as my programming box. I got a Samba network setup on it now, so I can access the files from my other computer (the one I'm using now, the faster one) from it. It's really sweet. :) Plus the Microsoft Optical Intellimouse I got online for $15 came in, so I don't have to use that crappy two button ball mouse I had before. AND my mom found a Microsoft Natural keyboard at a yard sale for $3 (they wanted $5, but she hit them and made them cry). I still haven't gotten sound working on it yet, but soon I'll be able to print with the printer hooked up to the Windows computer from the Gentoo box. Samba is really nice like that. :)

Oh and two Friday's ago (that would be the 4th) was my birthday. That means I'm now 17, and can thus go to rated R movies without having to hope that they won't card me. :D Too bad I don't know of any good movies coming out in the near future, or maybe I just can't think of one right now (and one that's rated R, too). My family didn't really do a whole lot for my birthday, but I'm fine with that. We ordered Chinese food, but that's about it. I got a new set of speakers for my computer, though, which was my birthday present from my parents. They're a nice set of Altec Lansing 5.1 Surround Sound speakers. The bass can make the floor shake O_O. Then over the course of a few days I got a bunch of birthday cards from relatives, which of course any smart kid knows includes MONEY and CHECKS. I got around 80 bucks this year, about the same as usual. But with all the checks from work I need to deposit that means I have another $300 or so going into my account whenever I get around to going to the bank. I think I've broken three grand now. :)

I guess that's long enough. It's so long, half of you probably won't read it anyways, but whatever. :P Let this just prove to you that, yes, behind that blank, emotionless, expressionless face there is life and a brain that is thinking too much for its own good.
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