When I want to write an entry, I sit down at my keyboard, and it comes out something like this...
So the last Sunday (the 21st), I went to see the Blue Man Group in Boston with my aunt and her husband (my uncle, I suppose you could call him). Quick synopsis: Boston is COOL, bus rides are COOL, Blue Man Group is COOL. Okay. So I get on the bus to Boston at 11:30, and sit very happily in my seat listening to music on my headphones and enjoying the view out the window. The ride was about an hour, and when we arrived at the station I met my aunt and uncle. Apparently she got all flustered because she thought the last bus was mine and thought I'd been lost or something. Oh boy. Jeanine decided I needed food, so we go to the food court, and there in the food court who do I run into but Erin. What're the chances of that? I dunno, but it was very odd. I rode the subway for the first time, and nearly fell down getting off. I am smooooth. So once we out on the streets, we went to a bunch of places before the show (we had like four hours). We went to Paul Revere's house, to an old cemetary, got some pastries at a (really, really crowded) pastry shop, Mike's Pastries, and got sandwhiches at a restaurant. I have to admit, my opinion of Boston wasn't very high before this little trip, but now I'm really amazed by Boston. It all looks so cool! I could walk around it all day and not get tired (well, my feet might). When the time came, we went down to the theater and sat in the line to get into the show. Skipping to the show itself, it was really good. It's very unlike anything I've seen before, and I'm glad I finally got a chance to see it after hearing other people rave about it. If you get a chance, you shoud go to, just don't be late ;). After the show Jeanine and I walked back to the bus station, and wrote a card to my grandmother while we waited for the bus to arrive. When it was time, I said bye and hopped on the bus home. I got home around 9:30 feeling pretty tired and worn out, but I had to study for BAS. So......
Continuing where we left off in the last entry... finals. I didn't think I did too well on the French final, but I ended up getting an 85 or something on it, so I have a B+ for the semester. Cool. I studied for the BAS final more than anything else, and got an 89 on it. Not a bad grade, it's just really too bad that my grade for the semester without the final was an 89, meaning the final had NO EFFECT. ARGH. If it hadn't been for Z-Gard my team would've won the jeopardy game and those 3 points would've probably given me an A. Pout pout pout.
I didn't study at all for the Hist final. Like, zero, nada, zilch. I felt bad, but then again it was the last final so my level of caring was, well, zero, nada, and zilch as well. I don't think I did that bad, I mean it was multiple choice after all. Except I'm pretty sure the map section raped me. I hate her map sections so much. I won't know what I got 'til report cards are mailed out, but I'm not really shaking in my boots over the grade anyways because....
Which also means... I'm a senior. Bwahahahahaha. I still feel like a freshman though. :P
So once finals were all done I went to the Gala with Erin and some of her friends for lunch. We ended up wondering around a ghost plaza and playing hacky sack there, an activity that needs to happen more often. I need to show off my skillz :P. After I got home, I was quickly out again, as Jon picked me up and we went over to Nick's for a post-finals partay. A four person party, but a party non-the-less. I learned why sliding on a trampoline is a bad idea, and that kneeing yourself in the head sucks. Madden drove me home, and then I went to work til 8:30. So that was Monday.
Tuesday I enjoyed my first lazy summer morning, and slept in! I made an egg-mcsomething for breakfast, and walked down to the library at 12:30 and worked for five hours. After work Jon, Gilb, and I got some chinese food (well, Gilb and I did, haha) at Aloha. I had a HUGE plate of lo mein noodles, I still have some left over. We ended up at Zach's house playing NBA Street 2 until 10:30 or so. I was tired when I got home, but still stayed up 'til 1 or so because I'm dumb like that.
I don't remember much of anything happening on Wednesday, besides me working all day.
Thursday was a busy day. Walked down to school for drumline from 9-12. I had good fun, being a senior is a lot of fun. Finally, I don't feel like an idiot. I can be stupid, and get away with it! It's great. We cleaned the drums and spraypainted the harnesses/bass drum rings. Then we went to Pizza Hut (after Dave and I made a quick stop at the bank), and we got the buffet). It was good. After I got home from that, I grabbed the cookies my dad and I had made the night before, put on some shades, threw my headphones on, and walked down to the PAL center for the City Year bake sale. We didn't have a tent (someone had forgotten the poles for it), so our table of goodies was directly under the very hot sun all day. It started out pretty slow, but in the six hours we collected a good $116. Not too shabby. I was a gimp the majority of the time, having ripped off some skin on the underside of my big toe. It was great, there was blood everywhere! So I sat at the table with my leg up on a box, and napkin tied around my toe, tied with some ribbon, and helped sell the brownies and such. I got really red, too, so now I look like a redneck.
When that was finished Curt drove me home, and I had to eat my dinner really fast so as to get out to work for 6:30. I only had to work for two hours, so I was home at 8:30. When I got home, I went for a walk around town (I've been doing that a lot lately), and sat around reading the new PC Gamer. Erin asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream at the Puritan along with friends of hers around 9:30, so, flash forward half an hour, we're standing there at the Puritan and, curse my luck, it's closed! It's decided we (all six of us) will go hang out at Beth's house, and so we all cram (quite literally) into one car and we're off. Upon arriving at the house the fridge is raided and I have in my hands a coveted bowl of rock-hard coffee ice cream. I stand about watching Dan get a haircut by Beth's sister. Then I sit down and watch Michelle also get a haircut by Beth's sister. And I sit there watching all this with great amusement, because it's not everyday you walk into a random house, eat their ice cream, and watch people get their hair cut. I was in observer mode, as I usually am when around a group of people I don't know, and just sat there listening to these people talk. Apparently when I do this people think I'm terribly bored... or boring, as the case may be, when I'm not :P. I got home around 11 I think, and went straight to bed.... not. I think I fell asleep somewhere around 1 again. Curse my nightowl-ness.
So today, again I worked all day. It was just me today, as Jason has Friday off (and Monday, too, the lucky bastid), but it was really slow so it wasn't bad at all. I managed to read one of my three summer reading books for World Lit next year, Daisy Miller. It was a good, short novella. I still have Billy Budd and A Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man to read. I saw Mrs. Kane and Brendan in the elevator and said hello, as I did when I saw Jeanine and Michael later on up on the main floor. After work Jeanine, Michael, and Grandma came over to eat with us, but I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat much. However Jeanine brought over a photo album and I got to see pictures of my dad as a kid which I'd never seen before, which was really cool. Perhaps more interesting, though, was seeing pictures of the grandfather I'd never met or seen before. He kind of looked like some famous actor, and also like my dad, obviously :P. I still want to see what my dad looked like as a teenager, though. These pics were only up to age five or so.
After dinner, Peter and I went down to the mall to see if I could get my MP3 player repaired. See, let me explain. I bought a new MP3 player, a Creative Nomad Zen Xtra 40GB to be specific, about 6 months ago. Now, Creative products are usually pretty sturdy, but unfortunately my player developed a rather serious problem: the headphone jack is busted. That really sucks, and so I figured Best Buy could fix it/send it in to Creative to have it fixed there. But NO, they won't do that. So I go to the Creative store in the mall and ask them if THEY can fix it. They say no, you'll have to go through Creative directly. So I get home, rather disappointed, broken player in a hand, and look up Creative's number. Curse my luck, it's 7PM and their phone line only goes to 6, and they're not open again 'til Monday. So, not to rant anymore, I'm really wishing my player wasn't busted because A) I don't want to have to go through all the crap to get it repaired, and B) I don't want to have to buy a new player if it comes to that. BLAAAH.
Saturday (that's today, now) I'm going to sleep in, and go up to camp at some time around 2 or 3. Should be nice to lounge around there, and this time I have stuff to do - mainly, reading those books. Hopefully I'll get through most of Billy Budd (it's not a big book at all). Sunday I'm hoping to see Fahrenheit 9/11 with Erin, though I still need to get the details on that figured out. Peter saw it today, and said it was good, though not as good as Bowling for Columbine. But we shall see if he's right or not....
And life goes on... but for now, I'm going to sleep!