Let's see what I've been doing recently...
Today I woke up at camp, and then went back to sleep. Around 12:30, I actually got up and went downstairs to eat some guaccamole. Then I watched Peter play Tales of Symphonia for a while, and then we ate lunch. After that Peter and I went home. I sat around the house for maybe an hour, then my parents came home. Peter, Dad, and I went to BJ's later, and I bought a massive supply of Winterfresh gum. I figured it was about time I got my own after leeching off my co-workers for so long. 408 sticks total... that should last me a while. Plus, I'll get that extra point on tests. Later on, Nick came over, we played some Tony Hawk 3, and then drove off to Aloha for Chinese food. The servant thought Nick [Alphonse] was gay, and it was funny. Then we went to Hannaford and harrassed Jon at the register. Then the three of us went to Zach's and really did nothing. But we got some good cake that his mom made, and then we went home. So now I'm here. That was today. Yesterday....
Yesterday I woke up to everyone rushing to pack and get up to camp, but I of course woke up late and still had to take a shower. So my parents go up in one car, and right after I get dressed Peter and I drive up in the other. Camp was nice, I guess. We set up Aunty Bett's new DVD player that we bought for her, and my dad and I watched Spirited Away, a really beautiful movie. Then we went to Ver Jon's, a second store, and bought some stuff. I got THUG for GameCube, and Peter bought a GB Player. That night I played a lot of Zelda: ALTTP on the GB Player. I was getting pretty frustrated as I kept dying in this dungeon, I sounded something like this as I was playing, "No... no no! NO. WHAT YOU DOING?! STOP ATTACKING ME! Please, stop! OH COME ON....... NOOO!!!!," and Peter and my dad chiming in occasionally with, "Have I told you you suck lately?". But I beat that dungeon, eventually, and the world rejoiced. Or I did, anyways. Then we ate dinner, and after that Peter went and watched Night of the Living Dead. It wasn't a bad movie at all, in fact I'd like to see the second. Not very scary though, and the ending pissed me off. I stayed up and watched SNL that night. Why, I don't know. The show's not even funny, the only part that ever gets so much as a chuckle out of me is Weekend Update, but I had nothing else to do.
I can't remember much happening on Friday... except I had work from 3:30-5:30. One of the clerks is talking to this guy who had overdue charges on his account, but was saying that he had returned the book. Usual stuff, but she calls me over and asks me to go to look upstairs for the book, but just before that turns her back to the patron and mouths, "FUCKING ASSHOLE!" to me. I just thought that was really funny, maybe so much now but at the time I was cracking up. For further excitement, read on... because THEN we found out that the book had no call number. :O It was a book... that didn't exist! Except it did, it's just that the scanner read the barcode wrong. To not bore you, basically it was the most exciting thing that had ever happened at a library, and I solved the mystery. It was exhilarating, trust me. That's all for Friday.
Thursday was my day off, so I was pretty excited that day. I woke up at 12:30-1 maybe, and walked over to Bryce's around 3:30. We hung out and watched some Record of Lodoss, then I walked back home. Ate dinner, then went to the mall. I can't remember buying anything there, and I don't think I did. Peter bought a couple of CDs by The Vines though. A little after I got home Steve picked me up and we went over to Chris's house for a very good game of Vampire with him, Bryce, Chris, and Alex. I love playing with those guys, I laughed more than I usually do in a week. Even though we finally started playing at, like, 10 PM, it was still fun. It took a bit for us to get into it, but when we did it was pretty cool. I like my character, because basically, in the game, I'm the exact opposite of who I am in real life. So I can be a total asshole and get away with it. Hopefully this'll be a weekly thing, and we'll actually complete a story for once. But with school coming up soon (NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), who knows how that'll work.
The rest of last week is not a very clear picture. Got up at insanely late hours, went to work, hung out with friends, stayed up all night playing games and sitting at the computer, fall asleep at 2-3-4AM. That's basically it, so I'll spare you from all that repetition.
So tomorrow I'm leaving for a four trip stay in New York along with Bryce and his family. It should be a good time, as I've never been to New York (even though this is Long Island that we're going to, and not NYC). I'm sure they'll be a big long entry when I get back from that. :)