Ok, I'm going to post the questions that Kaitlin found.
1) If you were to star in a movie who would want to be cast as your love interest? Someone who was a really wonderful actor, that I could really respect as a person, but that I wouldn't be drawn to by working closely with.
2) What genre of movie would you most like to star in? That's hard, I like mysteries, action, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, and some musicals, but I don't think that sort of combination would work out very well!
3) What song would you insist be on the soundtrack? That would depend on what the genre of the movie turned out to be, but it would have to be a really fantastic one, I love music!!
4) What would you wear to the premiere of your movie? A really pretty dress, like some of the ones that were worn in The Court Jester, something medieval, with rich colors that was really gorgeous
5) Who would you thank in your Oscar acceptance speech? My parents, brother, and friends for believing in me, you know, all the usual stuff!
Well, I'm sitting in my room eating milk duds(I really like these!). Abby, Kiara and Bobbi just left, I had them over for lunch, we had liverworst, buffalo chicken and/or ham sandwiches, and while we were eating we watched The Court Jester with Danny Kaye. He was a really good actor, it makes me sad that he died a few years ago. I'd have loved to see more of his stuff! I've got some of his other movies, and he does a fantastic job in them all. The house got really hot though, we had both of the wood stoves going, the one upstairs because that's the better one, but then I started the one in the basement because it was really cold and it wouldn't be very comfortable for watching a movie. Now in my room it is about 88 degrees! My milk duds are soft.
I am going to start taking claranet lessons the last Tuesday of the month. Which means I'll also start giving violin lessons at the same time. This should be interesting. I've never taught before and it has be a little bit since I played, especially the songs from book 1! So, right now while I'm typing, I am listening to book 1 on cd. The songs are all short, the longest is 2:30 minutes. But I'm still trying to remember where I started, it was so long ago that I'm having a little bit of trouble! I've got my mom's notes, but I'll have to go find them, I think they are in the basement...this could be fun. I've ordered new strings for my violin, the e broke two days ago, so I can't do very much with it, since you start on the e! I also ordered fine tuners for my other violin which is the one the girl I'm teaching will be using. I think this will be good for me, I've really wanted to get back into my music for awhile now, and this will sort of force me to get it done! But I'm petrefied of teaching. Both of her parents are very musical, which is sort of intemidating. I've known them since she was about 1, and she is now 10, so it isn't like I don't know them, but it is still scary. I've also considered going and taking the Suzuki teacher training, that way I could be better grounded in what I'm teaching, the mechanics and such. Also I could always take on more students if I decided that is where God was leading me. So I guess right now that's what I'm praying for, that God would show me if this is what He wants me to do and this is the direction I'm supposed to take. If I did nothing else, I think I do want to take the first two workshops. But we'll see!
I guess that about does it! Except for a picture of my "baby"!