how freaking awesome is it that the one time in this weekend of madness and being out in the middle of nowhere i was alone, with access to tv, was starting 15 minutes after that firefly started and ended at the end of the show? and that i happened upon it? and THAT THERE WAS A NEW TRAILER? im surprised they didnt hear me squealing on the other side of town. -becca
I was *this close* to switching to another show during the second half of Firefly, because I had watched that episode like, two days before (while converting my labmate Anjali to the glory of Firefly, wheee!) and there was another show I wanted to see. But I kept it on because Firefly is very soothing and happy. And then new trailer!!!!! I literally stopped breathing for about two minutes. I almost passed out. And then I screamed so loudly I'm surprised my landlords didn't hear me and come knock on my door to check if I was still alive.
I hear it's online now, too, but as I have dialup...
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I hear it's online now, too, but as I have dialup...
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