
Apr 22, 2005 20:20


::name:: Jessica Nicole (Pathetic name...)
::b-day:: November 25, 1992 (Woo.. my mum got pregnant in Feb! Valentines! HAHA! XD)
::nickname:: Jessie (usual...)
::zodiac sign:: Sagitarius (duh!)
::age:: 12 (computed myself! XD)
::gender:: um... Female? (haha!)
::Year of the:: Monkey! (banana anyone? XD)
::your hospital:: UST (not that you know it!)
::your friends:: Nadi, Paula, Bangsal, Casas, Mica, etc. (I have a lot duh! Don't fell bad cuz I dint put you!)

-Things you do at home-

::How many times do you brush your teeth everyday?:: Once or twice! (beh leave mah teeth alone!)
::How long do you brush your teeth?:: 5-10 minutes (??what??)
::What time do you eat breakfast?:: 12nn (Yesh! I wake up at 11am-1pm!)
::What breafast do you mostly eat?:: Eggz and Bacon! (yum...)
::What time do you eat lunch?:: Same as breakfast!
::How about dinner?:: 7pm-8pm
::What time do you wake up in the morning?:: 11am-1pm
::What time do you sleep?:: 3am (WOHOO!!!)


Month: April
Day: 22
Year: 2005
time: 7:23pm
clothes You are wearing: ARMY shirt that's sleeveless, my TRIPP pants (as always), a trucker cap, combat boots, wristband w/ a star, stud belt, spiked wristband, massive eyeliner! (As always!)
TV show you are watching: I'm not watching too bad!
room you are in: Amiela's brother's room! (not in the green way! It's just that the computer is here! Sickos!)
food you are eating: None!


::Singer:: (May I need to repeat?) David/Joel (they rank the same!)
::Band:: Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Green Day, blink-182, Papa Roach, My Chemical Romance, etc.
::Show:: Simpsons!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! XD
::store:: Hot Topic (Yet there is none in the Philippines...)
::fast food place:: Jollibee
::Resterant:: Jollibee!
::food:: Sushi
::movie:: LoRd oF The RiNgS TrILoGy!
::friend:: All of them! I dun play favs
::color:: Hot Pink and Black!
::cartoon:: Bart Simpson and Itchy!
::month:: December (Christmas WOOHOO!)
::day:: Friday (Fweedom! And it starts with Fri! Meaning French Fries! And then it reminds meh of David cuz he can speak French! WOOHOO!!!)
::age:: 12 (Not a kid anymore and not a teen yet!)
::soda:: Coke n Sprite (WOOHOO!)
::state:: New York! (The Big Apple!)
::animal:: Monkeys!
::game:: Twister! (Yea baby!)

::What is your::

::mother's name:: Angeli
::father's name:: Francis
::if you have any sibling what are there names?:: Chelsea and Patrick
::(if you have one) what is your pets name?:: Ashley and Eric (Ashley always gets pregnant...)
::teachers name (current teacher):: none! It's summer break here!
::room like?:: full of posters
::friend like?:: cool
::bestfriend like?:: AWESOME!!!
::attitude like?:: Weird, angry, freaky, no words can exactly describe it...

::Would you::

::join Fear factor:: No (Afraid of the dark and heights but wouldn't mind eating stuff!)
::eat a cow's brain for $900.:: Yea
::skip school for no reason:: Why not?
::say "hi" to a hobo:: Sure!
::skip using the computer for a whole month:: FUCK NO!!!
::be friends with a nerd:: NO!!! Unless it's a cool nerd! HEHE!!!
::where the ugliest outfit if someone dared you to:: WHy not? I don't give a damn anyway...
::steal money:: I already did

::If you::

::changed your name, what would it be?:: Alex
::won a million dollars, what would you use it for?:: A way to get a record deal or to go to next SP and GC concert possible! Then go backstage with the use of mah money!
::had no money, what would you do?:: Steal some
::skipped school, what would you be doing right now?:: stealing money to go to the next SP and GC concert possible
::changed your attitude, how would you act?:: weird
::changed your age, what age would you be?:: 21!!!

::yes or no::

::Are you rich?:: no
::Do you own a car?:: no
::Would you be a teacher?:: no
::Do you want a pet?:: no
::Are you in school?:: no
::Are you over 10 years old?:: yes
::Are you mean?:: yes (XD hehehe!)
::Do you like the color pink?:: yes

BOLD the ones that Apply to you

1.I have a cell phone.

2.I named my cell phone.

3.I have a boyfriend/ girlfriend.

4.I love make-up.

5.I love eyeliner.

6.My hair is its natural color.

7.I love going to the pool.

8.I love going to the ocean.

9.I am a book worm.

10.I like school.

11.I am going to college.

12.I am addicted to aim.

13.I watch Amazing Race.

14.I love Ashton Kutcher.

15.My room is yellow.

16.I have a sister (s)

17.I have a brother (s)

18.I wanna go to Antartica.

19.I love penguins.

20.My favortie color is pink.

21.I like skirts better then shorts.

22.My favorite season is summer.

23.I am in middle school.

24.I am in high school.

25.I have my own car.

26.I have my learners permit.

27.I love talking on the phone.

28.I like the name Melvin.

29.I don’t like ashlee simpson.

30.I love ashlee simpson.

31.I play basketball.

32.I am a cheerleader.

33.I like roses.

34.I get bored easily.

35.I love watching TV.

36.I like nail polish.

37.I love my life.

38.I like playing sims.

39.I love to work out.

[[_ BaSiCs _]]
[01.] name- Jessie
[02.] are u happy with it- Sure it's OK I guess...
[03.] sex- Female
[04.] birthday- November 25, 1992
[05.] age- 12
[06.] eye color- Brown (the sad usual...)
[07.] hair color- Brown (the sad usual...)
[08.] hair length- upper back and layered!
[09.] height- 5'1" (YAY!!!! SHORT PEOPLE ROCK!!!!)
[10.] righty or left- righty!
[11.] single or taken- single (Or taken by David! XD)
[12.] school ur attending- AC
[13.] zodiac sign- Sagitarius
[14.] location- Philippines
[15.] bad habits- Flicking people and swearing (as if it is bad...)

[[_ FaVoRiTeS _]]
[16.] show- Simpsons
[17.] movie- LoRd oF The RiNgS TrILoGy!
[18.] cartoon character- Bart Simpson!
[19.] disney character- Nemo!
[20.] animal- Monkey!
[21.] weekday- Friday
[22.] website- Lots but it could be band websites!
[23.] color- Hot Pink and Black
[24.] month- December
[25.] candy- Snickers and Pixie Stix

[[_ FaMiLy _]]
[26.] moms name- Angeli
[27.] dads name- Francis
[28.] do u have any siblings- Yea
[29.] if so wuts there names- Patrick n Chelsea
[30.] do u have any pets- Yea

[[_ CuRrEnT _]]
[31.] clothes- Army sleeveless shirt, TRIPP pants and wristbands! I dun have mah boots anymore!
[32.] hair- Upper back, brown and pink n layered
[33.] people ur talkin to on im- My cousin Cha-Cha
[34.] music- Between Angels and Insects by Papa Roach
[35.] smell- good

[[_ ThIs Or ThAt _]]
[36.] coke OR sprite- sprite!
[37.] spongebob OR patrick- Spongebob! (he's a rockstar and Patrick is a rock star! hehe! Patrick's a stripper!)
[38.] ketchup OR mustard- Ketchup (NO TO MUSTARD!)
[39.] showers OR baths- showers
[40.] dogs OR cats- dogs (cats are freaky and loud! They scratch me a lot so fuck them!)
[41.] flowers OR candy- CANDY!!!! (sugar rocks!)
[42.] church OR no church- church! (I'm religious so sue me!)
[43.] black OR white- BLACK!!!

[[_ WoRd AsSoCiAtIoN _]]
[44.] angel- Heaven! Cool...
[45.] happy- BIG GRINS!!!
[46.] big- Balls? hehe
[48.] class- Math sucks! YAY!
[49.] snotty- freaky slutty prep
[50.] popular- not me
[51.] I hate- you
[52.] corn- Benji!
[53.] birthday- PRESENTS FOR MEH!
[54.] hot- David!
[55.] longest- time to not take a bath for me is a week and that was last week! I took a bath today!

[[_ RaNdOm _]]
[56.] wut is ur middle name- Nicole
[57.] do u like the name melvin- No...
[58.] do u like butterflies- Black and Hot Pinks buterflies! XD
[59.] do u want to get married- Of course I do! TO DAVID!
[60.] can u whistle- No... *cries*
[61.] do u get in trouble at school a lot- Not that much!
[62.] I have allergies- no
[63.] do u watch cartoons?- Yes but sometimes
[64.] do u like school?- Who does?
[65.] wut is ur favorite movie- LoRd oF tHe RiNgS!
[66.] do u get headaches a lot- Hangovers?
[67.] have u ever bungee jumped- NO!!! NEVER PLAN TO!!!
[68.] have u ever been stung by a bee- No
[69.] do u like arts N crafts- No!
[70.] r u obsessed with surveys- YESH!!!!


Name- Jessie

Age- 12

Birthday- November 25, 1992

Age you act- 21

Color of your hair- Brown and Pink

Color of your eyes- Brown

Height- 5'1"

Weight- 110lbs.


Curently talking to: Nadine who called Amiela's house to talk to meh!

Current mood: Beh...

What are you wearing: clothes duh!

What are you eating: Fruits!

What are you listening to: Papa Roach

What are you watching: the computer screen go up and down...


Last person you talked to- Nadine

Last person you hugged- I don't hug

Last person you kissed- My mom


Last person you saw- Amiela but not as in a date you idiots!

Last person you IMed- Cha-Cha mah cuzin!

Last time you used the phone- Just now

Last time you saw your friends- Today

Last time you went to school- March 22, 2005

Last time you went to the movies- Yesterday!

Last time you went to school- see above!


How many friends do you trust- My best friends

Who do you trust- No One actually...

Who listens to you- God

How many friends do you tell everything- 5

How many friends know you & your family well- dunno... 5?

Have you ever had a friend who told someone/people your secret- no


What grade are you in- 7th grade! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Are you in school right now- Fuck no! Fuck School!

Who was your favorite teacher- Mrs. Trias-Garcia!

If you had a chance to go back in the past, what grade would you want to be in- College! beh! I only want to go to the past to go to Montereal, meet Pierre, Seb, Jeff and Chuck and watch them perform before they ever did in the world and become their friends! Then meet David when he joins the band and become his girlfriend and marry him! And I'd be 22 and he's be the age he is now and our marrige would be tomorrow! (Bangsal: Dream on Jessie...)


Book: The Theif Lord, LOTR!

TV Show: Simpsons!

Movie: LOTR

Colors: Black and Hot Pink!

Mall: Greenbelt 3!

Food Store: Jollibee


Name: Jessie

Age: 12

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Brown and Pink

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'1"

Do you have any piercings?? Yes

If so how many?? 3! (shhhhh... dun tell...)

Where at?? 2 on my left ear and one on my right

Do you have any tattoos?? nada

If so how many?? nada

Where at?? nada

Do you consider yourself a good friend?? Yes and No

What do most people think about you?? I'm a freaky deeky punk biatch!

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?? Nada

What`s his/her name?? I dun have one

How long have you guys been together?? ...

What do you consider your best feature?? My face! And My voice and and my weird clothes

What do you consider your worst feature?? dunno... I'm all good right here

Do you have any best friends?? Yea!

How many?? 5

How long have you guys been best friends?? Nadi and Paula were since forever and Bangsal and Casas since this year but the otehr one is a secret...

Haha! Boredom rocks! XD
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